8,347 Commits over 3,957 Days - 0.09cph!
Ogre knockback test
Ogre stat/anim/sound/material tuning
Made the ogres work again
NPC stat/sound/animation improvs.
Proper testbox navmesh.
Crabs get wet. (important)
Fire torrent spell ignites.
Cleaned some shit we don't need.
Sky dome date has a moon.
Slightly improved the shitty mountain texture.
Accidentally fleshed out the testbox arena a bit.
Vamp knight footsteps aren't so super loud.
Spell tweaks.
Buck death fix.
Cone fx works while moving
Cone spell fx that collides with world layer.
Various spellstuffs
Starting equipment.
Ragdolls don't block your movement anymore.
Deer anim & sound stuff
Boars flinch when attacked.
Boar footstep sound defs.
Trigger fix.
Boar death prefab.
Boar sound triggers.
Various sound tweaks.
Boar anim refinement & stats.
Simplified some magic projectiles.
Fixed the broken npc sound paths.
A few superficial new library prefab changes.
Various combat related improvs.
Testbox is a singleplayer test arena.
Removed junkpiles & junkpile code.
Some Rust tree assets.
Rainy weather isn't as dark during daytime.
Deer & chicken spawns
Starting inv tweak