8,352 Commits over 3,957 Days - 0.09cph!
More mats.
Tweaked AO down so that it doesn't halo around characters.
Cargoship material pass and unused file cleanup.
Added Panini projection to BaseSceneSettings
Smoother SSR ramping
Cargoship conversion WIP.
Rest of miltunnels conversion.
Lightfab fix.
Buncha cull distance fixes.
Conversion progress
More built in shadow culling
Proplights use built in shadow cull distances.
Fixed bleed on light fixtures texture.
Scene backup.
Fusebox texture fixes.
Scene backup.
Electrical box conversion.
Scene backup.
Vat fix.
SSR smoothness threshold 0.75/0.80
Cloning vat & hobobarrel fixes.
1000 lux 5400 kelvin sun exterior
Minor star/cloud brightness tweaks to compensate
Final generic diffusion profile.
Scene backup.
Green siren variant.
Scene progress.
Small fab/mat fixes.
Scene progress & prefab tweaks.
Miltunnel progress.
The static searchlights made into a proplight prefab.
Hobobarrel conversion.
Fire, heat shimmer fx.
Scene backup.
Scene backup.
Started organizing the messy effects folder.
Scene backup.
Various mat fixes.
Horse ragdoll doesn't wrap around itself.
Horse materials GPU instanced.
Ragdoll scene.
Miltunnel conversion WIP. Pre-dates nested prefabs, groaaan.
More various stuff.
All new light fixtures into the asset farm.
More conversions.
Some cleanup.
Various light related.
Better exterior exposure.
Generic yellow SSS profile.
Organized the light fixtures folder.
Moved obsolete ones into /deprecated/ for phasing out.
Scene backup