
8,351 Commits over 3,957 Days - 0.09cph!

6 Years Ago
Stripped obsolete lights from powerline_pole_a
6 Years Ago
More fx
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Ejection improvements.
6 Years Ago
Full ADS core billboard hide. Rifle cartridges don't motion blur. Cleanup.
6 Years Ago
ADS semi hide backup
6 Years Ago
Rifle ADS setting test. Cleanup.
6 Years Ago
Muzzle lightEX improvs.
6 Years Ago
Spas worldmodel fix.
6 Years Ago
Muzzleflash hue tweak. 3x3 muzzle billboard atlas can be a bit smaller too.
6 Years Ago
Pistol tweaks. M92 doesn't have the crude powder effect.
6 Years Ago
Fatter bolt cartridge.
6 Years Ago
Fixed the M39 attack_ADS animation not calling a shell ejection event.
6 Years Ago
Merge from weapons.
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Nailgun world model material fix. Test scene backup.
6 Years Ago
Thompson doesn't eject twice per shot.
6 Years Ago
More fixes.
6 Years Ago
L96 sound doesn't emit a bolt rifle sound when muzzle braked. Proper semi rifle ejection timing.
6 Years Ago
Position fixes.
6 Years Ago
Remaining m249. Scene backup.
6 Years Ago
Proper m249 cartridge & belt link ejection.
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Semi auto rifle vfx & attachment point improvs.
6 Years Ago
AK47, LR300, M39 vfx. Cleanup & scene.
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Not this file.
6 Years Ago
Rifle vfx stuff
6 Years Ago
M39 attachment positions & vfx. Bolt brake fix. Test scene backup.
6 Years Ago
Scene backup
6 Years Ago
Nixed the pfx_bolt_open_smoke anim event. Fumes now embedded with the cartridge ejection effect instead.
6 Years Ago
More rifle stuff. Bolt silencer offset fix.
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Ejection fix.
6 Years Ago
Shotguns done.
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Standalone shotgun shell from the spas. Shotgun ejection vfx wip. Thompson muzzle attachments don't clip so badly.
6 Years Ago
Because silenced shotguns are a thing.
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Spas, double, pump & pipe vfx.
6 Years Ago
Python fixes. Testscene backup.
6 Years Ago
Semiauto, revolver, python vfx & positioning improvs.
6 Years Ago
Python & semiauto pistol barrel position improvs.
6 Years Ago
More fixes
6 Years Ago
Nailgun & M92 vfx. M92 barrel attachments don't clip into the slide.
6 Years Ago
Eoka stuff