8,351 Commits over 3,957 Days - 0.09cph!
Stripped obsolete lights from powerline_pole_a
Full ADS core billboard hide.
Rifle cartridges don't motion blur.
Rifle ADS setting test.
Muzzleflash hue tweak.
3x3 muzzle billboard atlas can be a bit smaller too.
Pistol tweaks.
M92 doesn't have the crude powder effect.
Fixed the M39 attack_ADS animation not calling a shell ejection event.
Nailgun world model material fix.
Test scene backup.
Thompson doesn't eject twice per shot.
L96 sound doesn't emit a bolt rifle sound when muzzle braked.
Proper semi rifle ejection timing.
Remaining m249.
Scene backup.
Proper m249 cartridge & belt link ejection.
Semi auto rifle vfx & attachment point improvs.
AK47, LR300, M39 vfx.
Cleanup & scene.
M39 attachment positions & vfx.
Bolt brake fix.
Test scene backup.
Nixed the pfx_bolt_open_smoke anim event. Fumes now embedded with the cartridge ejection effect instead.
More rifle stuff.
Bolt silencer offset fix.
Standalone shotgun shell from the spas.
Shotgun ejection vfx wip.
Thompson muzzle attachments don't clip so badly.
Because silenced shotguns are a thing.
Spas, double, pump & pipe vfx.
Python fixes.
Testscene backup.
Semiauto, revolver, python vfx & positioning improvs.
Python & semiauto pistol barrel position improvs.
Nailgun & M92 vfx.
M92 barrel attachments don't clip into the slide.