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Updated compound lighting to new scripts.
Hobobarrel_static, bbq_static and powerline_pole_a lights have light distance culling.
Updated oil rig 2 distance flares to the new style/tech.
Cargoship 1&2 distance flared up & light script updated.
Compound s2p.
Basic bokeh blur texture for distance flares.
Don't render distance flares underground
All remaining proplights distance fx prefabbed.
More light fixture distance prefabbery.
Fixed the edge clipping on flashlight_flare texture.
More light prefabs distance flared.
Seamless distance flares on some proplights up to 600 range.
Scene backup
Scientist turret laser tweak.
Compound progress.
New lit version of the detached streetlight.
Distance flares, light occlusion and distance fading into radtown proplight prefabs.
Fixed light DistanceFlares being all the wrong color.
Compound lightig backup.
Maybe RC 1st person flames.
Flame tongue action in first person.
Merge from flamethrower_v2
0.75 sec fade on distant rig lights.
Distance flare GPU instancing.
Rig2 lights turn on and off depending on the time of day.
Light quad imposters to Rig2 lighting prefab.