8,351 Commits over 3,957 Days - 0.09cph!
Weapon visual polish part 1/2.
Polish pass for weapon attachment mats & textures.
Trimmed useless alpha channel.
Silenced rifle fx.
Organized vfx files better.
Optimized some attachment textures and mats.
Merge from cave_large_sewers
Glow plane fix.
Bandit S2P
Culling volumes for the 3 regions.
Release candidate.
Remaining issues cleared.
Lighting prefab.
Scene s2p.
Last bit of lighting.
Possible fix for Fusebox
Glowworms more focused around tunnels to highlight navigation paths.
Split the 3 cave wings up into groups for culling.
Cave wing pre-split backup
Additional exterior dressing.
Cloning vat fx mat uses a new fresnel feature.
Cleaned redundant files.
Snowball has subsurface scattering and uses half the texture memory.