6,195 Commits over 3,867 Days - 0.07cph!
Try using only checkoutv3
Fixed getters for Widget.Max/MinimumHeight returning width
Default ZNear to 4, not 10 if its not set
Fixes ultrawide aspects being able to see through walls in Sandbox, etc.
Fixed description of SceneCamera.BackgroundColor
Fixed Entity.AddOutputEvent setting times to fire to 0
Now is infinite like expected.
Try to generate a better default value for asset identifier
Implemented usage of ValidationAttributes to PropertySheet
Any of System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.* attributes work, including custom ones. There are helper functions for this on TypeLibrary and PropertyDescription classes as well.
Use validation attributes on Asset publish inspector
PhysicsBody.GetDominantSurface returns 'default' when no shapes
Give summaries to BaseNetworkable, INetworkSerializer, INetworkTable
Added simple search for API functions
For now, it's by name only.
Search API functions by their summary too.
Use parameter default value when firing inputs for non number types too
Improve error handling for firing Hammer/MapIO inputs
Corrected description of (Real)TimeUntil.Absolute
RangedFloat can be used in Hammer entity properties now
Deleted prop_dynamic, info(_particle)_target, point_camera native ents
Deleted prop_dynamic, info_target, info_particle_target, point_camera native entities
They all have c# alternatives
Deleted info_null, info_landmark, info_player_deathmatch engine ents
Make it more clear that project rows are not clickable
Fixed exceptions when closing publish to asset.party window prematurely
Codegen writes correct accessibility for partial classes it writes
Add descriptions to TypeLibrary's description classes
DisplayInfo will inherit from interfaces for type members
Added BBox.Contains(Vector3) & FromPositionAndSize( Vector3, Vector3 )
Added box soundscape entity
API Ref: Added 'Inheriting Types' section to type pages
Fixed files with capital letters not being accepted for Hammer drag&drop
Improve responsiveness of selected map/game preview in lobby
No longer displays previous selected map/game while new data is being fetched
Mount local Content type projects on server start up
Allows usage of custom game resources from content addons
Draw the actual soundscape entities with overlay enabled
Better handle failed downloads when loading to a server
Switch some entity methods to check validity of internal pointer, not realm
ModelEntity.TakeDecalsFrom throws explicitly when given null
Fix malformed comment on RenderTreeBuilder.AddAttribute
Fixed a race condition with loading custom resources in tools
Fixed ResourceProperty not working with base Resources
Fixed "fire once" or OutputConnection.TimesToFire not doing anything
Asset browser addon icons reflect their type
Change addon grouping in AddonSwitcher
Addons are grouped by Active AND Type. Groups can also be collapsed now.
Fixed custom game resources sometimes resetting to default values
This would happen if you open an asset that references other assets.
Keep better separation of game resources between realms
This affects editor/menu assets. Basically custom assets in tools are now stored under "Menu" container, not "None". This fixes menu compiled types trying to be used on the server/client, which would throw errors.
Fixed editing assets while in-game resetting child assets to defaults
Fixed editing custom game resources while the gamemode they are from is running causing any referenced assets (such as List<MyCustomChildGameResource>) to reset to default values on client and server.
Fixed "GameResourceA cannot be cast to GameResourceA" exception
Resource selector supports multiple assets when base type is an asset
Make CanEditAttribute uninheritable
Fixes IntSliderProperty being applied to float properties
Update asset list property editor drag'n'drop
Now supports List<YourCustomGameResource>, not just List<string> with ResourceTypeAttribute
Documentation pass
ResourceProperty can support multiple asset types
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
ResourceProperty better handles invalid asset types
Added implicit casts to System.Numerics variations of Vector2/Rotation
Matches Vector3 & Vector4
Update summary of Vectot3.EulerAngles to better represent what it does
Integer Slider Property no longer shows decimal point values
Obsolete warning fixes
Fixed exception when trying to (de)serialize custom asset lists/arrays
Fixed DebugOverlay.Texture documentation comment
Handle duplicate parameter documentation comments
Set ConsoleSystem.Caller to Local.Client for clientside concommands
Documentation pass
Documentation pass
Added Angles.Forward, obsoleted Angles.Direction
DragData.Files does not rely on file:/// prefix
Add category to angular fog related properties
Fixed OGG files not receiving correct duration (Recompiles needed)
Added SoundFile.IsValid
Error handling for SoundFilePreview
ConditionalVisibilityAttribute works for child sheets
Fixed an assert in ModelDoc rotation gizmo
npcclip/navclip/playerclip affect nav mesh in Hammer
Fixed build not passing databind tests
Fixed a bug with DataBind and integers
Fixes sbox-issues/issues/2119
Added property editors for double and decimal types
Editing float properties shows & works with full precision
Fixed codegen errors with string.Empty default values
Sandbox.Json respects JsonPropertyNameAttribute
Resolve obsolete warnings
Update car surface