
5,815 Commits over 3,592 Days - 0.07cph!

4 Years Ago
Add position printout to vrad's "Zero area child patch" message
4 Years Ago
Fixed RichText clickable panels never being clickable if the first character is a new line
4 Years Ago
Make Entity.SetLayerPlaybackRate and Entity.Set/GetLayerWeight shared (currently only intended to be used on players as a trial) Added Entity.GetLayerPlaybackRate (shared)
4 Years Ago
RichText: Default color to black, not 0, 0, 0, 0
4 Years Ago
Fixed CNavArea.ConnectTo crashing the game when we could not compute a direction between the 2 nav areas
4 Years Ago
RichText: Fixed clickable text becoming unclickable if the currently rendering text ranges start with a clickable text RichText: Use clickable text font height for clickable text overlay panels Added Panel.SetUnderlineFont( font ), sets the clickable text font for RichText panels
4 Years Ago
RichText: Fixed selection being offset from cursor with clickable text using a different font to the rest of the text RichText: Skip newline as first character when copying text (from GO branch)
4 Years Ago
Added a crappy replacement for missing font underline Update DefaultUnderline font to match Default's weight so that RichText URLs don't break text selection/look weird
4 Years Ago
Include WorkshopID for the "There is no file to mount" error message
4 Years Ago
Add errno printout to gmad.exe's 0 filesize error
4 Years Ago
Fixed Entity.TranslatePhysBoneToBone not working on ai_serverragdolls 1 ragdolls
4 Years Ago
Fixed DListView's non sortable columns creating duplicate panels
4 Years Ago
64bit SRCDS UI theme fixes DListView_ColumnPlain fix for extra panels Fixes garrysmod-issues/issues/4365
4 Years Ago
▇▆▊██ ▋▇▅▊▅▄ ▊▇█▆
4 Years Ago
gmad.exe will complain and bail if it fails to get file's size instead of writing 0 gmad.exe -nocrc will skip CRC calculations when creating addons largeaddressaware for gmad 32bit
4 Years Ago
merge the sourcescheme.res changes
4 Years Ago
Updated SourceScheme.res with fixes for x64 srcds UI
4 Years Ago
Added GM.PostEntityTakeDamage( ent, dmginfo, tookDamage )
4 Years Ago
Automatically remove FCVAR_ARCHIVE from replicated convars clientside
4 Years Ago
Added Entity.LookupPoseParameter( name ) = id
4 Years Ago
Added NPC.GetCurWaypointPos() Added NPC.GetNextWaypointPos() Added 3rd argument to Player.SetFOV - requester entity
4 Years Ago
Added Entity.GetHitBoxHitGroup( hotbox, set ) Added Player.SetLastHitGroup( group )
4 Years Ago
Only allow boost in forward direction and only if we are not recovering from previous boost
4 Years Ago
Undo ignoreZ and alphatest changes to Effect Rings as they cause unwanted behavior
4 Years Ago
Get rid of certain start up cvar console warnings to match main branch
4 Years Ago
Force lowercase map names on changelevel/map Do not add .sw.vtx files to download list
4 Years Ago
Do not complain about undefined water overlays in console
4 Years Ago
Improvements to SetCanZoom not blocking weapon fire when set to false
4 Years Ago
Fix crossbow zoom issue with recent +zoom changes
4 Years Ago
Minor changes to Workshop subscriptions
4 Years Ago
Do not reset angles/position/speed when unparentiing entities since it causes unexpected results
4 Years Ago
merge from PR
4 Years Ago
SetCanZoom( false ) no longer prevents firing weapons
4 Years Ago
merge the fix
4 Years Ago
Apply "Addon too new to use old API" only for new addons
4 Years Ago
merge from main
4 Years Ago
merge from main
4 Years Ago
Change prop_effects FX on hover
4 Years Ago
Sandbox's prop_effect will now change its color if the player is looking at it, indicating which/if prop_effect will be pick up via physgun/toolgun Hopefully improved Z-fighting issues with prop_effect's rings, when multiple are in proximity
4 Years Ago
Model keyvalue works on more NPCs
4 Years Ago
Extract fonts from workshop addons for server downloads too! ALLOW using Model keyvalue on Zombie NPCs
4 Years Ago
merge from PR
4 Years Ago
merge from PR
4 Years Ago
Do not read JSON nulls as empty strings
4 Years Ago
Do not read JSON nulls as empty strings
4 Years Ago
Try to display a correct number with the "failed to grow buffer" error in gmad.exe
4 Years Ago
enable steamworks.publish
4 Years Ago
enable steamworks.publish
4 Years Ago
Enable steamworks.Publish
4 Years Ago
Fixed saves/demos local icons not loading