6,195 Commits over 3,867 Days - 0.07cph!
Added CLIP tool textures with custom step sounds to mimic CS:GO
VBSP: Allowed usage of multiple unique clip brushes to enable custom footsteps on them.
Disable overview_mode stuff completely, it was used to cheat, and is completely replaceable by Lua
Added Panel.GetSelectedTextRange() = start,end pos, works for both RichText and TextArea
Added Panel.GetFG/BGColor()
Switched icon editor to sliders for skins/bg
Delete closecaption files
They are pointless here
volume to loading screen
Co-Authored-By: Nurdism <nurdism.io@gmail.com>
DisableClipping restores to oldstate
Switch spawnicon editor skins/bodygroups to sliders from dropdowns
Community: util.TypeToString now works nicer for angles
Loading Screens are now passed game volume via GameDetails()
Restored close caption support
Added closecaptions and subtitles for languages supported by Half-Life 2 games
Added Panel.Set/GetMaximumCharCount, both of which work on TextEntry and RichText
Fixed a crash issue with prop_combine_ball when its missing its physics object
Fixed HSVToColor and HSLToColor freezeing the game with large Hue values
Fixed Dedicated servers not being able to read unlisted collections
▆▆▅▆▊▄ ▌█ ▉▇▆▆▅▆ ▉▉▍ ▍▄▆▆▉ ▇▊▊█ ▆▉▍ ▄▄▊▌██▇▉▅▄▆▄.▋▇▇▉▋▊▇▇▊▍▄
Stack trace for "[ParticleEmitter:Add] Material Handle is invalid!"
Added CLuaParticle.Set/GetMaterial
Added File.EndOfFile
Added Entity.RemoveInternalConstraint( num = -1 )
Vehicle.SetVehicleParams doesn't unexpectedly change maxSpeed, boostMaxSpeed and maxRevSpeed when not given new values for those fields
Fixed stepLeftSound and stepRightSound missiing from util.GetSurfaceData
DisableClipping now returns the previous state of Clipping
Applied the above DFrame's Shadow, DNumberScratch's popup, Drag'n'drop rendering and Derma_DrawBackgroundBlur
buildcubemaps no longer crashes the game in main menu
Entity.StopSound now also sort of works with direct paths
Move certain S_RegisterSound to developer 1
$decalfadeduration now works on world brushes & displacements
steamworks.DownloadUGC doesn't fail with 2 or more files downloading concurrently
Fix Faceposer forcing hidden flexes to 0
This caused problems with DME eyelids
Fixed faceposer tool forcing hidden "useless" flex controllers to 0 causing problems with other flexcontrollers, such as eyelid control on TF2 player models
Add devwarnings for trying to base createfont fonts off of game/existing fonts
CTakeDamageInfo, __tostring now includes the damage value
merge navarea crash fix and workshopDL/subscription handling changes from main
steamworks.DownloadUGC's callback now has a second argument - a File object pointing to the .gma file
WorkshopDL: Do not try to mount files we failed to rename and mount the old file instead.
WorkshopDL: Also try to mount the old steamworks.Download files
Add position printout to vrad's "Zero area child patch" message
Fixed RichText clickable panels never being clickable if the first character is a new line
Make Entity.SetLayerPlaybackRate and Entity.Set/GetLayerWeight shared (currently only intended to be used on players as a trial)
Added Entity.GetLayerPlaybackRate (shared)
RichText: Default color to black, not 0, 0, 0, 0
Fixed CNavArea.ConnectTo crashing the game when we could not compute a direction between the 2 nav areas
RichText: Fixed clickable text becoming unclickable if the currently rendering text ranges start with a clickable text
RichText: Use clickable text font height for clickable text overlay panels
Added Panel.SetUnderlineFont( font ), sets the clickable text font for RichText panels
RichText: Fixed selection being offset from cursor with clickable text using a different font to the rest of the text
RichText: Skip newline as first character when copying text (from GO branch)
Added a crappy replacement for missing font underline
Update DefaultUnderline font to match Default's weight so that RichText URLs don't break text selection/look weird
Include WorkshopID for the "There is no file to mount" error message
Add errno printout to gmad.exe's 0 filesize error
Fixed Entity.TranslatePhysBoneToBone not working on ai_serverragdolls 1 ragdolls
Fixed DListView's non sortable columns creating duplicate panels
64bit SRCDS UI theme fixes
DListView_ColumnPlain fix for extra panels
Fixes garrysmod-issues/issues/4365
gmad.exe will complain and bail if it fails to get file's size instead of writing 0
gmad.exe -nocrc will skip CRC calculations when creating addons
largeaddressaware for gmad 32bit
merge the sourcescheme.res changes
Updated SourceScheme.res with fixes for x64 srcds UI
Added GM.PostEntityTakeDamage( ent, dmginfo, tookDamage )
Automatically remove FCVAR_ARCHIVE from replicated convars clientside
Added Entity.LookupPoseParameter( name ) = id