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4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
Fixed loading of .png materials with different material parameters not working properly Fixed loading of .png textures after a map change trying to load .vtf versions of the textures and failing every time
4 Years Ago
SuperDOF UI window now repositions itself when player's screen resolution changes
4 Years Ago
Weapons in the weapons tab now have an "NPC" icon if they can be used as NPC weapons, which a right click option to set that weapon as the current NPC weapon override Added "Sandbox Settings" User category in Utilities which contains the maxresults slider + some sandbox related toggles from the menubar Added Freeze/Unfreeze effects checkboxes to Physgun Settings Added a killicon for prop_ragdoll, prop_physics_respawnable, func_pushable and func_physbox (same as prop_physics)
4 Years Ago
Added models/player.phy so that mounting Portal 2 doesn't make models/player.mdl spawn as an unmovable object
4 Years Ago
Added PLAYER:Death hook (Community Contribution)
4 Years Ago
Added ErrorNoHalt with stack when Lua is trying to send an overflowed net message
4 Years Ago
Added SANDBOX:CanArmDupe( ply ) hook, return false to prevent players from being able to arm dupes.
4 Years Ago
Community Contributions: * Switched GM:GetFallDamage to use GetConVar() over GetConVarNumber() in base gamemode * base_gmodentity.GetPlayer() now properly returns the player object after player reconnected to the server for base_gmodentity derived entities * Right click removing entities with the Remover tool now properly progresses the Remover achievement on Steam
4 Years Ago
Sandbox persistence Context menu property also trims whitespace of the convar value
4 Years Ago
Sandbox persistence now trims whitespace on input so you don't end up with files that the game refuses to write to/read from
4 Years Ago
NPC weapon selection is now sorted alphabetically
4 Years Ago
Added ENT:OnChangeActivity for base_ai entities
4 Years Ago
NPC.MarkEnemyAsEluded and NPC.ClearEnemyMemory now have an optional argument - enemy Added NPC.HasEnemyEluded, NPC.HasEnemyMemory, NPC.GetEnemyLastKnownPos, NPC.GetEnemyLastSeenPos, NPC.GetEnemyLastTimeSeen, NPC.GetEnemyFirstTimeSeen - All of these have an optional argument - enemy, which defaults to GetEnemy() Added NPC.SetIdealYawAndUpdate( yaw, yawSpeed = -1 )
4 Years Ago
Added PlayerCheckLimit hook (Community Contribution)
4 Years Ago
Physgun glow/beam will no longer render in 3rd person if the weapon itself is hidden
4 Years Ago
Community Contributions: * Reduced minimum width for rope based constraints to 0.2, from 1 * Added GM:CanUndo hook * weapon_fists now obeys the phys_pushscale convar
4 Years Ago
Fix up PR#1623 This happens EVERY TIME * Call the hook after undo Owner fix * Apply the Owner fix to undonum * CanUndo only gets the last undo in CC_UndoLast, not the whole table
4 Years Ago
get rid of the unnecessary whitespace
4 Years Ago
Use GetText over GetValue for OnEnter
4 Years Ago
dtextentry: pass the current value through OnEnter (#1576) idk why this wasn't a thing before Co-authored-by: Nathan S <>
4 Years Ago
▅█▄▇█ ▆▄█ ▌▊▌▍▊▆▄▄█▇▍▊█▌ => ▌▉▉::▋▌▍▋ ▌▊▅ ▌▌▍█▉█▍▄▌▄▋ ▌▋▅▋▌▌ █▋▋▌ ▍▉▆
4 Years Ago
Community Contributions: * Typo fix for gm_save console message * Fixed cvars.AddChangeCallback's identifier not working as intended * TTT: Fixed an incorrect comment
4 Years Ago
Mass resize/re-render in spawnmenu Delete physics of Toolgun ghosts Disable "drive" option for jeeps Replacement HTML for gui.OpenURL w/out Steam Overlay Fixed Overlay and Motion Blur not working with "poster" well Fixed 1px gap with certain settings of Toy Town effect
4 Years Ago
Fixed a memory leak when decompressing BSP PAK (Lump 40) files
4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
move "Cannot read %i fragment bytes" to developer 1
4 Years Ago
Added Player.PickupWeapon( wep, onlyAmmo ) = bool success
4 Years Ago
Fixed prop_physics_respawnable being removed when being "killed" or broken, breaking the "respawnable" part of the entity
4 Years Ago
Fixed Motion Blur and Overlay Post Processing effects not working well with poster command Added optional argument to render.DrawScreenQuad() which defaults to false - Apply poster corrections, used for the fix above Fixed Toy Town post processing effect having 1px tall gap at the bottom of the screen with certain settings
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
Reworked client console deduplication to hopefully be more reliable and less over-engineered
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
Fixed servers trying to send a random Lua file to clients if there is no files needed to be sent
4 Years Ago
▊▋▍ ▄▊▄ ▆▍ ▋▍▋ ▍▌▇▋▋▊ ▇▄▉▊▆ ██▍▌▌▄
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
Added sk_npc/plr_dmg_crowbar/stunstick convars
4 Years Ago
Added NPC.RememberUnreachable( ent, time=3 ) to give NPC.IsUnreachable a reason to exist
4 Years Ago
Fixed returning true in GM:EntityEmitSound hook when the Entity is a clientside only entity causing the ent index to be read incorrectly, which in turn caused infinite scrape sounds for gibs
4 Years Ago
▇▇▌▄▇ "▄▅▌▌▇█▆▇ ▆▉▋▅▊'█ ▍▆ █▄▍█▌▊▇▉" ▉▅█▍▅█▇▇▇▇::█▊▇▊█▆▋▇▇▌█▇▍▍▄ ▍▌▇▌▊█▇ ▌▆▇▆ ▄▆▆ ▋▅▇ ▌▆▄ ▆▍▌▉ ▋▋
4 Years Ago
Delete physics object of Toolgun ghost as it doesn't need physics at all
4 Years Ago
"Drive" property no longer appears for Jeeps as it simply cannot move them.
4 Years Ago
trigger_weapon_dissolve no longer crashes the game if one of the weapons it is meant to delete got removed prematurely by something else
4 Years Ago
Fixed OBS_MODE_FIXED/CHASE/IN_EYE causing bad spectator behavior due to the player's movetype being set to NONE
4 Years Ago
Mass icon resize and rerender
4 Years Ago
Fixed ents.CreateClientside entities not receiving projected textures
4 Years Ago
DSP_ClearState now also clears dsp_room and room_type convars, hopefully fixing DSP presets (reverb and stuff) not resetting between map changes