
5,854 Commits over 3,773 Days - 0.06cph!

10 Years Ago
Improved stone textures readability even more
10 Years Ago
Twig rooftop polish (with alpha masked hay textures) Closed meshes wall.corner stone, wood Added conditional models for wall.low corners Prefab material ID fixes, cleanup
10 Years Ago
Log wood skin Improvements
10 Years Ago
Stone Tier Texture improvements
10 Years Ago
fixed incorrect grade on twig floor
10 Years Ago
Some mesh updates/fixes
10 Years Ago
Building skin top tier: meshes/textures/materials/prefabs
10 Years Ago
Remnant container files - Includes new monument prefab
10 Years Ago
Updated Satellite dish LODs to be inside FBXs, updated prefab scene
10 Years Ago
Updated textures and model (corrugated skin)
10 Years Ago
quick fixes for corrugated skin
10 Years Ago
Building skin metal tier1 meshes/textures/materials/prefabs
10 Years Ago
Adding all the textures for the corrugated building skin
10 Years Ago
Gibs for the tier1 wall block
10 Years Ago
adding corrugated_a generic textures
10 Years Ago
swizzled green channel
10 Years Ago
Forgot to check in the updated roof materials for stone roof
10 Years Ago
Adding a new roof shingle texture, stone shingles this time
10 Years Ago
Building skin Tier1 meshes/textures/materials/prefabs
10 Years Ago
Giant satellite LODs
10 Years Ago
Giant satellite generic door texture
10 Years Ago
Giant satellite polish - near final visuals
10 Years Ago
Made a better generic rust texture for blend layers
10 Years Ago
Fixed anchors for conditional meshes
10 Years Ago
Building stone skins meshes/textures/materials/prefabs
10 Years Ago
fixed missing data on roof prefab
10 Years Ago
temp fix to the roof prefab - adding stone floor prefabs and new stonefloor_a textures
10 Years Ago
Progress on stone set, wall, doorway, window and third pieces with prefabs done
10 Years Ago
Adding today's progress (stonewall_a)
10 Years Ago
checking in latest texture sources
10 Years Ago
Backup for log wood set
10 Years Ago
Stairs block, both for foundation steps and slanted half block - Behold the stairy rooftops!!
10 Years Ago
fixed a gap in floor piece
10 Years Ago
some texture polish
10 Years Ago
Attempt to fix foundation.step offset and cleaning up a lot of pivot rotations. Adding foundation.triangle update
10 Years Ago
Foundation step block changed to stilt type models
10 Years Ago
Foundation mesh on stilts first pass, triangles to come
10 Years Ago
backing up source files so far for bld log set
10 Years Ago
some texture polish for log wood set
10 Years Ago
Checking in the new roof prefab idea, all pieces in and waiting for implementation ~~ @garry
10 Years Ago
fixed some zfighting on pillar in some cases, added a proper floorboard texture for floors/ceilings
10 Years Ago
Fixed the corner meshes to use notch and pass, simplified some textures, aged the exterior texture
10 Years Ago
roof shingles textures, temporarilly assigned to slanted block for preview
10 Years Ago
more work on log set
10 Years Ago
Checking in wood set pieces and updated prefabs
10 Years Ago
checking meta files in
10 Years Ago
Adding exterior and interior wall pieces. wip log set, also contains door/windows and frames pieces
10 Years Ago
prefab scene update
10 Years Ago
Updating satellite dish prefab
10 Years Ago
Updating the fbx files for the satellite