5,854 Commits over 3,773 Days - 0.06cph!
Pushed culling at absolute 0% on all blocks.
Foundation stone floors issues were a broken path to a mesh.. possibly a previous code merging error
Removing culling on all wall blocks (was sometimes set @1%)
Fixed stone foundation prefabs culling a part that should always render
Fixed missing collider ~ top tier door
Re-exported satellite dish LODs and collisions, refactored prefab scene
Signs text surface should now share the normal map UVs of underlaying wood
Added a text surface and material to signs
Signs, final meshes with LODs and collisions
Signs 1x.05 and 2x1 early commit
added custom foundation collisions meshes for wood and twig
Some missing files
Tweaking LOD distances of stairs
Adjusting foundation blocks test spheres for sidewalls
Texture readability improvements for metal and top tier
Missing construction renderer ~
metal tier distance tweaks
merge from building_skins2 - All the lod stuff
merge from main and stuff
Top Tier skin tier LODs and setup in prefabs
~~ Some distance tweaking
Metal skin tier LODs and setup in prefabs
Cleaning up unnessecary construction renderer scripts alerting the console
~~ Fixing missing meshes errors for the previous 3 skins
Stone skin tier LODs and setup in prefabs
Wood tier wall block LOD distance tweaks
Wood skin tier LODs and setup in prefabs
Twig skin tier LODs and setup in prefabs
merge from building_skins2 - ~skins dirt accumulation and other fixes
Fixing end corners spawning into adjascent pillars/walls
removed culling from wall blocks lods
twig skin square/triangle floors dirt acumulation
some material blend tweaks
wood skin square/triangle floors dirt acumulation
stone skin vertex alpha fixes stairs/ half block
metal skin square/triangle floors dirt acumulation
stone skin triangle floors dirt acumulation
armored skin square/triangle floors dirt acumulation
propagated the fix above to other low blocks
fixed wall.low wood not spawning a cornermesh properly with door block adjascent
added stone skin square floors dirt acumulation models and logic
Conditional mesh work ~~ metal skin
Conditional mesh work ~~ armored skin
Conditional mesh work ~~ wood skin
Conditional mesh work ~~ twig skin
More work on conditional corner meshes, deployed to all walls for stone building skin
merging work from building skins branch
Toptier triangle foundation block conditional meshes
Stone tier wall end pieces conditional meshes
stone skin 30,60,120 degree convex/concave angles corner meshes for nice corners between straight and angled walls
Fixed an offset that resided in the wall.window master prefab pushing all window bars meshes off center
Roof ceilings for each type of skin
Closing holes and gaps on thatched skin as well as possible
Fixed armored window and window frame not being the correct size.
Metal window bar reset xform, scale was fuxxed
Other smaller things..
Added conditional logic for all roof blocks
Fixed a case where wall pieces would spawn a corner meshes through T connected walls (for all remaining wall pieces)
Added conditional models for wall.low top tier
Fixed repeating pattern on stone roof
Fixed a case where wall.low pieces would spawn a corner meshes through T connected walls
Added end piece conditional mesh to close off wall end (wall.low.stone).
Added end piece conditional mesh to close off wall end (wall.low.wood).
Added end piece conditional mesh to close off wall end (wall.low.metal).
Added conditional meshes for metal wall.low and metal foundation blocks
Conditional meshes fully working for stone and toptier foundation blocks - lots less overdraw :3