
658 Commits over 3,561 Days - 0.01cph!

6 Months Ago
garage door textures @2k
1 Year Ago
Updated Workshop scene to have night time lighting
1 Year Ago
updated diesel_collectable prefab
1 Year Ago
re-applied a bunch of barrel stuff, added a specific label for oil, re-applied the label for diesel barrel
1 Year Ago
reworked padding on oilrig trims, disabled crunch compression (texture only changes)
1 Year Ago
oilrig trims textures - reduced noise over painted variants
1 Year Ago
merge from collision meshes as shadow fix
1 Year Ago
merge from 'generic texture improvements' contains generic barrels and forklift re-texture jobs too
1 Year Ago
merge from building_skins_4
1 Year Ago
Added translucency to corn plants
1 Year Ago
merge from building_skins_3
1 Year Ago
fixed water_drum_b shadow proxy not being deleted
1 Year Ago
merge from main/building_skins_3
1 Year Ago
merge from main/building_skins_3
2 Years Ago
merge from shipping container props update branch
2 Years Ago
2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
enabled shadow casting on LOD0,1 of codelock
2 Years Ago
Re-exported keypad models with correct vertex normals on all LODs Texture meta tweaks, lightbulbs are transparent again, LOD distance tweaks
2 Years Ago
fixing broken path to prefabs inside junkpiles
2 Years Ago
Fixed gap allowing LOS access in coaling tower exit corridor
2 Years Ago
Excavator S2P
2 Years Ago
Removed un-harvestable tree entities from giant excavator scene
2 Years Ago
Attempt to fix hole in terrain of cave_large_hard - couldn't check the exact seed as procedural map changed since report
2 Years Ago
fixed powerline_poles baked LODs vertex normals producing incorrect lighting rendition doubled geo and culled backfaces on material
2 Years Ago
Adding more building topology in desert military bases to prevent undesired HAB spawns
2 Years Ago
Fixed hole in checkpoint_single_rural mesh Fixed the missing deferred decal script on the prefab This will need S2P
2 Years Ago
Attempt to fix invalid splats for cave_large_sewers
2 Years Ago
fixed powerlines baked LODs displaying backfaces on doublesided geometry
2 Years Ago
fixed incorrect material ID assignments on hvac_exhaust prefab
2 Years Ago
Fixed gate external stone gates displaying incorrectly at a distance
3 Years Ago
Powerplant greencard skip fix (fixed inside the existing external prefab) - this will require a S2P later on
3 Years Ago
Adding barbwire parts back into LOD1 for stone wall and stone gate so players on lower settings are aware of them
3 Years Ago
Changed one of the dweller prefab family to be deep corners in module_1200x1500_1way_moonpool
3 Years Ago
Changed dweller prefab family to be deep corners instead in module_900x900_2way_moonpool
4 Years Ago
Fix for blocked loot on bunkbeds, collider was set to convex
4 Years Ago
Added normal crate spawners to 1/5th of dwellers prefabs Added a normal crate in each moonpool Moved about some of the normal crates added in T2 puzzles
4 Years Ago
Collider info'd to 'Nothing' flag dweller and loot spawners sphere colliders used to trigger respawn of puzzles
4 Years Ago
Added a collider to dweller spawngroups so they reset as expected
4 Years Ago
Fixed a blocker due to dweller spawn in moonpool 1 way
4 Years Ago
fixed a hole in some partition wall meshes
4 Years Ago
Flow fixes to dwellings, fixed some trash clipping out bases Fixed toilets not being mountable Fixed mic in crew quarters not mounting
4 Years Ago
fix for AI navmesh issue at giant excavator (collider)
4 Years Ago
Lowering snow_ore population to 1000 Bumping arid_ore population to 1750
4 Years Ago
Fridge door should be fixed across all locations now
4 Years Ago
Bugfix - triangle frame inserts were not socketed perfectly center of the triangle, leading to small gaps
4 Years Ago
reworked alpha channel of powerlines impostors to cope better with mipping
4 Years Ago
bugfix for Top of Pylon LODing issue ticket + powerlines LOD2 UV bleed
4 Years Ago
bugfix for armoured door has double handles
4 Years Ago
bugfix for Pallet of boxes LODing issue ticket