5,766 Commits over 3,714 Days - 0.06cph!
checklist progress backup
dunes model update + lod chain
chainlink fence 3x1 LODs/COLs/Prefabs
excavator scene update
prefab'd the rest of the excavator structure
pre set dressing scene organazing
excavators LOD files, Colliders files
placed splitter, updated railway placement and buckets
stairs across structure
excavator scene update (belts)
Added excavator cabins to excavator scene
conveyor belts texturing, vertex painting leftovers of core structure
scene2prefab excavator
removing not needed displacement map
Double doors rework - Now on separate unique texture sheets
skinnable asset files
converted all doors textures and mats to spec workflow
backup excavator vertex painting
crane control panel greybox
backup excavator vertex painting
backup excavator control room and other parts
backup excavator core, conveyor bridge
removed the errant wood beams from water junk piles
terrain conveyor belt tweakage
End of greybox
Excavator scene re-organisation
Terrain dressing base
OilrigAI2 prefab - covers/movement setup for AI
Window blockers for lootrooms
merge from oilrig - access to previously made art assets needed on excavator
excavator monument end of whitebox stage
excavator monument scene setup for whitebox stage