
515 Commits over 700 Days - 0.03cph!

1 Year Ago
exported and added crouch idle animation to crouch blend tree
1 Year Ago
improved new player jump animations and got them at the correct height and added jump mid air anim
1 Year Ago
exported treadwater anims and added to player anim controller
1 Year Ago
exported new player jump animations and set up in unity
1 Year Ago
exported wip jump animations and edited player animation controller
1 Year Ago
updated jog SE anim
1 Year Ago
exported updated unarmed crouch anims and set to 50 frames in length
1 Year Ago
exported new player rifle attack and aimed attack anims
1 Year Ago
exported new player lr300 reload anim
1 Year Ago
exported deploy rifle anim
1 Year Ago
exported edited new player rifle anims
1 Year Ago
exported new player crouch set of unarmed anims
1 Year Ago
exported new player rifle run and crouch animations
1 Year Ago
exported 3p rifle jogging set of anims
1 Year Ago
exported basic new player anims first pass and updated the playeranimation.contoller
1 Year Ago
update homing missile launcher override controller with correct idle stand animation linked
1 Year Ago
scaled down missile on homing missile launcher anims to 0.01 rather than 0.1 to hide it better when not in use
1 Year Ago
edited 3p hml anims, changed idle pose, edited reload and added breathing idle
1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
exported view model homing missile anims again so the upper left arm does not show when clothing is equipped and admire animation is played
1 Year Ago
edited ads idle so it doesnt glitch and admire anim so the left arm mesh doesnt come into view on homing missile launcher anims
1 Year Ago
exported hml 3p anims
1 Year Ago
exported hml updated anims and rig
1 Year Ago
exported updated homing missle launcher viewmodel animations
1 Year Ago
exported edited homing missile launcher rig and view model animations
1 Year Ago
deleted homing missile launcher world model rig fbx as it isnt needed
1 Year Ago
edited homing missile launcher entity prefab and override controller
1 Year Ago
exported rig and rough animations for testing on the homing missile launcher viewmodel and setup anim clips in unity
1 Year Ago
exported homing missile launcher hold type idle pose and setting up in unity
1 Year Ago
made w_homingmissilelauncher rig
1 Year Ago
updated animator speed change parameter on the pumpjack static prefab to 0.4
1 Year Ago
exported oiljack arm fbx to get the looping idle animation looping nicely after editing it in maya
1 Year Ago
setup pumpjack static prefab with correct engine collision for the engine switch and correct aniamted belt settings. also the olijack arm animtor now set up so the pumpjack can be stopped/started quickly
1 Year Ago
exported oiljack arm after mesh edits and set up anim controller
1 Year Ago
added oil jack belt and metal mesh colliders to pumpjack prefab
1 Year Ago
updated pumpjack static prefab
1 Year Ago
updated maetrial on lods on pumpjack static prefab
1 Year Ago
setting up pumpjack static prefab and edited oiljack anim controller
1 Year Ago
setting up static pumpjack prefab with animated oiljack arm
1 Year Ago
exported unarmed player climb rope idle animation
1 Year Ago
exported unarmed player climb up and down rope in ferry terminal branch
1 Year Ago
exported edited divers torch admire anim
1 Year Ago
exported updated diverstorch admire animation
1 Year Ago
exported divertorch admire animation and applied to diver_torch.anim.controller
1 Year Ago
exported new bear canter anim
1 Year Ago
exported updated bear walk anim
1 Year Ago
exported updated bear rotate l and r animations
1 Year Ago
ticked on 'bake into pose' for root transform/rotation on updated bear animations
1 Year Ago
exported bear sprint and canter and edited some bear anim settings in unity
1 Year Ago
exported bear stand up anims ,rotate anims and edited run anim