486 Commits over 672 Days - 0.03cph!
edited tiger ledge attack anim
wip tiger attack ledge anim editing so it works on low ledges as well as higher ones
added and updated some crocodile animations
tiger ledge attack anim exported with vertical motion again
tiger ledge attack reexport with no vertical movement
tiger ledge attack rootmotion bone now aligns with the hip bone throughout the animation
skinned updated minicrossbow viewmodel mesh on vm rig and edited targetpoint and ironsight default point in viewmodel so the arrow shoots where expected when ADS
crocodile turns and sprint anims edited
edited tiger run 180 left and right anims and updated prowl fire anim
exported tiger vm kill and run hit additive anims
exported more snake anims
exported crocdile sprint, sprint attack, intimdate and turning anims
exported crocodile turn 90 left and right anims
exported snake rig with all lods now skinned
snake anim controller set up and linked to its entity
snake animations and rig exported
re exported tiger anims that needed it to get of the mental right lip
exported tiger run to 180 anims so the pelvis follows the root motion joint consistently
put original tiger run hit anim back in and edited unity settings for tiger fire and run atk anims
exported tiger prowl/run fire and run to attack anims. updated tiger run hit anim
updated minicrossbow viewmodel and world model rigs with latest weapon mesh and updated viewmodel prefab material paths
exported vineswing player viewmodel and worldmodel anim tests to misc folder
exported tiger swipe at fire anim
exported tiger prowl low/idle anims
slight edit to vm minicrossbow admire anim and 3p reload anims
edited vm minicrossbow rotation curves on viewmodel prefab and updated wonky strings on strings pulled back idle
exported updated tiger tree test anims
exported tree climbing anim tests for tiger
exported edited tiger gait anims
updated minicrossbow 3p anims to match viewmodel
made minicrossbow reload anims quicker, from 97 frames to 70 frames
assigned tiger avatar definition to tiger anims
edited vm minicrossbow reload anims
reordered viewmodel minicrossbow reload anims
updated 3p and vm minicrossbow reload anims
mini crossbow world model anims updated with a clip of shoot 4 shots in a row and -90 rotation on the barrel
exported reload anims 20 percent faster for 3p minicrossbow
exported updated vm mini crossbow reload anims
exported tiger animations and rig
3p minicrossbow 4 reload end anim set up
3p minicrossbow 4 reload animations set up
minicrossbow arrow edit on reload start anim to remove lerping arrow and anim.controller transition tweaks
removed linked arrow meshes from minicrossbow viewmodel prefab
exported mini crossbow rig with the arrow meshes skinned and anims updated
updated minicrossbow vm anims
updated mini crossbow 3p anims
linked wooden arrows and arrow heads to mini crossbow wm in entity prefab and updated anims