
3,393 Commits over 273 Days - 0.52cph!

10 Years Ago
Started writing some helper methods for line-line intersections.
10 Years Ago
[racer] Started work on car collisions.
10 Years Ago
`Graphics.Rotation` and `Graphics.Scale` now act globally.
10 Years Ago
Finished implementing basic scaling and rotation, although acts locally for now.
10 Years Ago
Started implementing global graphics scaling and rotation.
10 Years Ago
Games are now automatically packaged before uploading, and you no longer need to press the upload button a second time after logging in.
10 Years Ago
Fixed game uploading to reflect changes to the web API.
10 Years Ago
[current_mood] stopped removing sprite in title stage
10 Years Ago
[current_mood] added
10 Years Ago
Updated `.gitignore`.
10 Years Ago
Removed unnecessary copy of `RestSharp.dll`.
10 Years Ago
Fixed `premake5.lua` script so that `RestSharp.dll` is copied from `Resources` to `Binaries` during builds.
10 Years Ago
Removed unused camera effects.
10 Years Ago
Upload button is now disabled for pre-packaged games, can use tab to switch between controls when the login dialog is active.
10 Years Ago
Added new upload button icon, made sure all textures had the correct import settings.
10 Years Ago
Added Login dialog and game uploading
10 Years Ago
[racer] Made tracks more complex again, fixed occasional unintentional hairpin turns.
10 Years Ago
[racer] AI tweaks and made tracks more smooth.
10 Years Ago
[racer] Fixed rubber banding actually slowing down your opponents.
10 Years Ago
[racer] Camera follows cars that have yet to finish after the player completes the race.
10 Years Ago
[block_party] Replaced music track with an MP3.
10 Years Ago
[racer] Improved rubber banding, camera now stops on the finish line when the race is done.
10 Years Ago
[racer] Implemented rubber banding. I am a terrible person.
10 Years Ago
[racer] AI cars are better at cornering, cars change to a `PostRace` controller after finishing.
10 Years Ago
Added `Unity/*/Assets/Plugins/ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll` to .gitignore.
10 Years Ago
Removed `ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll` from source control.
10 Years Ago
Removed the `Newtonsoft.Json` dependency.
10 Years Ago
Added `Newtonsoft.Json` dependency to `GameAPI.Unity`.
10 Years Ago
[racer] Added `CarController.cs` to source control.
10 Years Ago
[racer] Refactored car logic so that controllers can be swapped out without creating a new `Car` instance.
10 Years Ago
[racer] Added timer to the HUD.
10 Years Ago
[racer] Fixed the game thinking you were suddenly further back in the track before crossing the finish line.
10 Years Ago
[racer] Cars now have distinct colours.
10 Years Ago
Documentation updated during deployment build 13e99a47-1742-4c7a-843a-ec5dd8577b43.
10 Years Ago
Documentation updated during deployment build 13e99a47-1742-4c7a-843a-ec5dd8577b43.
10 Years Ago
Fixed some references to GetAnimation() in the documentation.
10 Years Ago
Documentation updated during deployment build 95b32a31-bad1-46ff-ac45-f07a81b40535.
10 Years Ago
Documentation updated during deployment build 95b32a31-bad1-46ff-ac45-f07a81b40535.
10 Years Ago
Fixed disposed game instances still being used when an attempt to switch to a new game fails.
10 Years Ago
Added a link to the Mono downloads page in the Getting Started tutorial.
10 Years Ago
Added a warning message when attempting to compile a game when no C# compiler is found. arcade-issues/issues/9
10 Years Ago
Removed workaround to avoid occasional hangs in b18.
10 Years Ago
[racer] Each AI controlled car now has randomized characteristics.
10 Years Ago
[racer] AI opponent is a bit more interesting.
10 Years Ago
[racer] Finished basic HUD, implemented race position logic.
10 Years Ago
Changed `PaletteBuilder.Add` and related methods to accept `Color24` values rather than `int`s (as `int` values can be implicitly casted to `Color24`s anyway).
10 Years Ago
[racer] Started working on the HUD.
10 Years Ago
All primitive rendering methods now accept `Vector2f` / `RectF` inputs.
10 Years Ago
Fixed image hotloading.
10 Years Ago
Changed `Graphics.DrawPoint[s]()` and `Graphics.DrawLine()` to take in `Vector2f` rather than `Vector2i`.