19,298 Commits over 1,614 Days - 0.50cph!
Removed GameUI menu dropdown
Desires UI juice WIP
Removed group modes from TargetFilterConsideration.
Added ConsumeValueForGroup mode to EntityValueConsideration.
Cleanup of Group to handle destroyed entities.
FogOfWar distance fade is relative to camera target, not camera xform
Fixed objectives not loading properly and fixed objectives UI display not being updated after loading
Removed time hack on session load, doesn't seem to work anymore
Time fix on load
Fix units trying to recook an already cooked thing
Fixed FindAndPutCorpseOnFire being set to desire creation mode instead of execute
Added new Eat a Piece interaction to the DispenserFoodValue consideration - units can now successfully skin a corpse, put it on the spit and eat from it without player intervention!
Terrain meta editor buttons for topology paint channels
Various visual bits
Spawn refresh fix
Saplings in birch spawn
Nuked old tall pine
SpawnHandler destroy fix/NRE catch
Dont go hunting without a weapon
Fix dead units getting their navmesh agent turned on because of another navmesh fix
Fixed machines not persisting their entity list, which fixes animals on spits not being clickable after a load
Fixed misleading cookable tooltip text
Added an Eat a Piece interaction to corpses that is available once a corpse has been cooked that doesn't require an axe
Added TargetFilterConsideration for scoring entities corresponding to the given criteria.
Added a ConsumeValue mode to EntityValueConsideration.
Updated some data on consumables.
Consuming a Consumable now applies the relevant food value half upon consume and the other half over the duration specified in the data.
Consuming now has a duration.
Fixed SmartObject.CanSubscribe not checking if there are existing subscriptions when the plan we want to subscribe to is exclusive
Fixed spit missing building requirements (now requires 3x sticks)
New dispensable wrapper spawn mode: OnNavmesh - spawns the dispensable on the navmesh with some random fuzzyness
Fixes meat spawning on top of the campfire collider and being really hard to click
TakeFromDispenser will now break if the dispenser is being held by another unit
Disabled force density on oak spawner, was spawning so many trees it was crashing the editor
Fixes to combat targetting
fixed a case in which units wouldn't actually free up their hands to use a tool.
people will now consider dispensables that don't destroy the entity before considering those that do.
Acquire Materials For Fire now ignores entites with disabled SmartObject.
EntityValueConsideration now checks for carried tools not only held.
fixed game mode starting unlocks not being force unlocked.
added some unlocks to testbox game mode.
BehaviourChainFilter.OnValidate no longer forces FilterBySmartObjectViability to be false if certain conditions are not met
Spawn refresh button in Debug Tools World tab under "biome"
Spawn tweaks
birch tree mouseover works
Removed Stick and Firewood.
Renamed Big Stick to Stick.
Branches and Logs can now be put directly into the fire.
OnValidate things in SpawnPopulation and ItemSpawner to remove null spawns.
Added DispensableWrapper.IsUsableAsDispensedItem, indicating that the dispenser entity itself can be used in place of the item it dispensers (e.g. in crafting, machine procesess, etc)
Combat skill gain will now apply the threat bonus regardless of who is attacking or not at the time, also cleaned it up a bit
Added Item.CanBeUsedAs method
Removed target list from Unit.Combat, replaced info class with struct. Refactored a bunch of code
Fixed SetDestinationSettings radius modes breaking early due to bad distance check
Replaced Unit.Combat debug logs with EntityComponent.Log variants for auto context/entity log support
Unit.Combat.TryAttackTarget cleanup
Desire removal on GP failure WIP
Entity log clear button, max logs display field
Subtracting unit occluder stuff from main
Cherry picking jarryds occluded units stuff to a branch
First pass on a system to fade objects that are occluding the player's view
For an item to be faded, it needs to be part of the hierarchy of a collider on the Resources layer AND tagged with the "Occlude" tag
When an item that passes these conditions is found it will be set to the FadeMaterial on the new CameraOcclusion component, and it's materials will be reverted once that item is no longer occluding the view
Manually tagged the leaves on the Birch and Oak trees - tagging isn't part of the model import process yet so this will need to be reapplied after a model update
The fade material is just a transparent standard shader, this could definitely be improved