19,298 Commits over 1,614 Days - 0.50cph!
Removed memory profiler because its not compiling
green vertex channel is now used to offsync movement in foliage
Fixed game not being paused on gameover
Agent's active GPV will drain score from it's GoalPlan once momentum hits 0
Minimum momentum drain rate is now 0.01 (up from 0.001)
Animal/Combat/Defensive scoring fixes
Added button to open module in designer from the AI debugger
Added ActiveEmote keyword
Fixed bad priority dropdown in interaction lists
Various UI tweaks
Added interiors post volume
Fixed some rock profabs missing biome material object components
Seperators in the selected unit UI are now conditional based on the various widgets
fixed radial menu button animators not working, removed tweeners
various AI tweaks
latest shader that works (before I break it)
Unit.Navigation now disables obstacle avoidance for a short time when we're failing to move for some reason
ImageMasked destroy materials when creating new instance
fix for Weird anim bug when unit has exhausted flag while sleeping
shader is still broken...
reverted shader because it broke it..
updated foliage sahder to use new append node
Fixed corpses not getting cooked on spits properly, they should now stay on the spit and not burn so the tribe can butcher meat off it as needed
Fixed projectiles not reparenting properly when detached from a corpse
Exiting Effects now get a an extra Tick so that exit actions are run correctly (fixes units getting stuck in stealth pose)
Fixed several audio channels not respecting audio settings (Ambient/Ocean/Weather/Wind are now controlled by the Effects slider)
Hide unit path widget/line renderer when UI is invis
Deleted FireFuelCapacityConsideration, replaced usage with MachineProcessCapacity
Added MachineProcessCapacity consideration
MachineProcessAction desires are fulfilled when the target process' capacity hits ~100%
Fixed DecorAlign NRE spam
Fixed Unit.Progression component not unsubscribing from events.
Fixed Unit.Progression subscribing to AIManager's global behaviour completion event, instead subscribes to only it's own
Placing a campfire now creates a MachineProcessActionDesire for the machine process
Replaced some List.AddRange usage in various AI code (was generating garbage)
Added an icon for hunt desires
Fixed a set random destination being used by hunting that was set to a 0 radius and was failing immediately
Added a Player desire bonus to move attack to make sure player hunt commands are followed while there are buildings to construct
radial menu disabled button state improvement
Collated command for Adding Fuel To Fire
Fixed Breed request not hiding from UI if target is not human (0_o)