19,298 Commits over 1,614 Days - 0.50cph!
Fixed bad event invoking causing bad bookkeeping of interaction position counts
DebugPanel_Navigation shows blocked IP as object field
Added "Near Building or Immovable" Or Condition used in Human/Building/Process Item For Building GP
InteractionPosition.OnTriggerExit tweak
SmartObject.GetNearestUnoccupiedInteractionPosition will return the IP that the unit is blocking, if possible
Various building AI tweaks
Fixed Ambient Temperature Is Cold curve being the wrong way round
Removed old animator trigger from desires widget
Desires Widget no longer deactivates after a timeout
Increased AI tick rate to 20 game seconds (was 10)
OverviewMap lerps scattering density
Reduced map camera edge scroll speed
IsCarryingRequiredTool checks that we have a a free hand
No longer clear desires when issuing move commands
Campfire interaction positions
refactored Session.StartNew to consolidate it with StartNewFromExisting
Zone component can optionally define a default game mode for playing the scene in editor
updated building shader to be a bit more organised
Adjusted building decay formula, exposed global durability multiplier in game config
Fixed campfire missing upgrade mapping/data
Fixed TribeSpawner.OnValidate not properly supporting multiple buildings of the same prefab due to name in hierarchy not matching that in the data lookup
Building decay info on the debug panel
Debug panel icon support
slider all the things.
game modes now define the start hour as a float for super precise start times
Buffed fear drain when no longer threatend
Seasons use TimeManager.DaysPerMonth to calc their duration
WorldManagerConfig exposes transition time for seasons (hours)
Fixed dark berry bushses
Island 1 spawner tweaks
Removed tribe spawn and blocked channels from TerrainTopology.Enum (Seemingly fixed weird topology painting bug)
Copied Tree & Dispenser component settings from normal pines to tall pines
Reverted some island1 stuff
building shader improvements
Fixed tribe spawner not creating/assigning entities properly (views had no entities, were non-interactive)
Fixed an editor exception when looking at a stats component on a group
More lost and found map WIP
Trying out adding an additional collider to trees to increase clickable area
Fixed tree chopping interaction being disabled
Fixed player controller not always clearing command creation buffers
Added command generation method for placing items
Fixed Dispenser firing an action that hasn't been assigned
Added new Go To Blackboard Position (no wait) plan to the CurrentBehvaiourIsGoToBlackboardPosition check (was breaking sprint/jog movement)
Super mega WIP Lost and Found map that definitely isn't at all shaped like a vagina
UI tweaks, tribe create post
Fixed bug causing interactions to get added to a smartObject twice
Various Growable/Dispenser/Tree/Resource cleanup
rebaked some NavMeshes because I may have nuked one during a merge