19,298 Commits over 1,614 Days - 0.50cph!
Bags/back pack data tweaks
Finished up the interactions/available attachment points refactor
Refactored UnitGroupCondition to be not be unit specific (since any entity can have a group)
Added some conditions so units won't add fuel to another groups fire (they can still use another group's fire with a diplomatic penalty)
Merging diplomacy branch into main
Some final testbox tweaks
Made a new consideration to make agents pick better gifts
Made coconuts a x2 value gift
Gift component now has a value multiplier to allow for gifts of varying value
Added a good/bad diplomacy activity that pops a notification so player has feedback when they are doing something another tribe likes or dislikes
Added territory consideration to gift ai selection so AI's hopefully won't regift the same item multiple times
AI tribe gifting items is somewhat working, still has a few issues
Fixed some party invite abilities not restricting by group (could join other tribes hunting parties)
Hostile Introduction now uses TriggerComsAngry01 animation
Reworked friendly/hostile introductions as abilities rather than conversations
commiting subtracted things subtracting to a branch
InteractionSettingsWrapper attachment point requirements WIP.
Untested removal of blocking from UnitAttachments.
Building AI improvements, still a little janky but the general idea is there.
AI logs now work without opening the debugger.
UnitAttachments has a debug panel.
Removed campfire from nospawns.
Is Carrying Required Tool no longer checks hand availability
interaction positions for shonky hut
more male hair and beards
Diplomatic Events now have a max number of recurring events, so each event type can be capped differently (all are set to two except for gift, you can do that 3 times)
Started work on a Diplomacy AIModule with some WIP AI gifting stuff
Blackboard data can now store a group
Added a friendly and hostile introduction conversation topics
Modified Conversations component to evaluate sensed humans not in group
Made some group conditions - IsInSameGroup and HasInteractedWithMyGroup and applied them to the existing conditions
Player Instigated conversations have issues at the moment so most of this isn't functional yet
Added diplomacy scene to the SceneLoader dropdown
Refactored relationship calculation to happen once a (in-game) minute, rather than every time the state was requested
Updated diplomacy debug panel to work with last commit
DiplomaticEvents now store an AssetId to the original DiplomaticEventSettings asset
This means we can now recognize multiple events of the same type, current behaviour will just retime the existing event and not stack an event multiple times
Made an activity + diplomatic event for gifting
Added a Gift component to Items
If an item is marked as a Gift, it can be given to an neutral/friendly foreign unit
Rock is marked as a gift for testing purposes
Mouse over description for humans now reflects relationship status
DiplomacyRelation now stores whether the two tribes have interacted, mouse over description will still read "A Stranger..." if the two tribes haven't met
Force deactivate progression UI on init
Actually delete saves for new versions
Added a 1 seccond wait to the construct interaction
Fixed missing rb on human male view prefab
UnitViewUtility ensures prefabs have a Rigidbody
EntityViewUtility.MakePrefab ensures that the TEntityView component is enabled
Fixed EntityViewUtility.SetupCollider not parenting box collider to the prefab
World views assigned for all clothing items which have them
Fixed world view prefab creation not nuking src
Generated human male clothing world prefabs
put world items in human fbx
Various PlayerController cleanup, fixed a couple of issues causing duplicated or bogus commands
UnitViewUtility creates _world prefab from clothing objects
KnowledgeOverlayLabel cleanup
Reverted AttachmentPointGroup cache array removal, but re-create array on demand in the editor if the size differs from the enum flags length (ew)