19,298 Commits over 1,614 Days - 0.50cph!
Blackboard.Copy updates keystate cache
Fixed waiting for a thrown weapon when we shouldn't
Senses LOS check no longer includes Buildings layer
Conditions.HasDesireSettings writes to blackboard
giving up trying to make animals turn be good for now
Senses non-unit entity LOS check has a slightly vertical offset to avoid bad ground hits
UDM only filters BaseEntity.IsUsable for items
Combat Ability changing now handled independently of moving towards target
DSE player instigation debug help
GPV logs player instigated
AttackUnit action safety break/end by testing Unit.Combat.IsAttacking flag
Foldout for decision makers in Agent debug drawer
Sort components drawers in EntityDebugDrawer
Fixed various items having wrong attachment points (caused by earlier enum re-ordering)
UnitView rotation doesnt set animator "IsTurning" until we've actually started turning
Fixed AnimalSpawner not calling base.OnValidate
UDM filtering skips over BaseEntity.IsUsable == false
More debug fuckeries
Removed UnitSpawner context menu (use Animal or Tribe)
Removed UnitCanPathfindTo condition
Entity debug drawer reflection fuckeries
small stick can no longer have items attached to it
CookCookable machine process overrides RemoveEntity and cleans cookable state
GoalPlan break condition debug log is gated by AIManager flag
DepositEntity action detachs items attached to the item being deposited, where applicable
Fixed NRE in Action.Break
Fixed occasional NavMeshAgent error when using CalculatePath in UnitDecisionMaker
Fixed occasional NRE in SetDestination
Fix MRE in CacheRagdollTransforms
Fixed NRE in SetDestinationSettingsEditor
Added CookCookableItem Action
Cleaned up Action state handling
LMB up is default interaction, RMB up radial, RMB down default for unit actions (e.g. combat)
made getting up from sitting more snappy
Items attached to other items are included in the Unit.Items list
Machine interaction intention generation can optionally specify a target process settings in InteractionSettings
Draft "cook item on fire" interaction
Renamed a bunch of shit
Added a hack that in BehaviourChain.Add that writes entity from intention to blackboard
- Moved a bunch of members out of the Items component and into the DespositEntity Action where their only usage lives
- UnitAttachments.AttachedEntities no longer includes Items
Cookable things will actually start cooking now
Always stop facing target if we move
More control over spawners in Zone
testbox_hunting spawners set up to test cooking
Fixed missing attachment data for meat and fish
Fixed unit ragdoll toggles breaking selection (was caching the root xform trigger)
Fixed data browser tab NRE when using up/down arrow keys to navigate asset listings
Split UnitDecisionMaker into a partial, cleaned up filtering and added pathfinding filter
Fixed UnitView.FaceTarget being shit, now tracks targets properly
WatchTarget breaks when the target can no longer be perceievd
trying to re add turning and sidestep&backpedal when units get pushed
ItemAttachments can attach any entity type
Moved Item.AttachedToITem to BaseEntity
- UnitView ragdoll rigidbody & collider caching
- Fixed occasional error caused by calling Unit.Navigation.Stop when a Unit is ragdolling