19,298 Commits over 1,614 Days - 0.50cph!
updating small buiding pelts
NRE test unitCollectionView seems necessary.
Improved how we gather and display Blackboard read/writes in editor
fixed the data properly this time (hopefully)
Change Combat Ability ability merged into Move Towards Target
BuildingVIew/BuildingEditor fixes
more footsteps to walk anims
Fix for incorrect combat ability being set as active
Building renderer mapping data moved out of BuildingView
large hut assets ready to be updated
EntityViewPrefab holds ref to source asset directly, not guid... ensured that updating views retain interaction position data etc
footsteps added to sad walk
Lets not edge scroll when playing from editor.
Moved all Desire creation to the new system
Moved TerrainFormer menu item to Tools/
Well fed effect kicks in at .9 nutrition instead of .95
Carrots buff nighttime sight by 15%, not all sight
added sea edge to new island01
I don't think huge crocodiles eat fruit... made them carnivore.
If we happened to exit a current internal tick in EntityManager at the later parts of tickEntities FA, and the next time internal tick is called, the Count of elements in FA shrunk under that index, we'd get an out of bounds exception. Fixed.
Units play auto at fast speed again (but not super)
All player camera input is disabled when the application loses focus
Added special "Sleep" speed, which is set when the whole tribe are sleeping
Fixed player having no unit selected on start, even with de-selection disabled
UI : Clicking on the unit portrait focuses/follows the unit
We now allocate space for fixed array Add on demand, but throw an error when we do if in editor.
Deprecated custom BRDF + touched affected shaders
Speedtree shadow acne fix + deprecated transmission
Fixed standard terrain basemap warning
Removing deferred override shaders (test 1)
Undo previous commit fuck it
restored old internal shader things to test build
Dispenser.HasDispensable also validates that at least one of the interactions for the dispensable is unlocked, when applicable (should stop people picking up rocks until they have learnt to smash them)
Item gathering module stuff
Removed TakeFromDispenser hack, added DropItem Action to SmashObject interaction
Interaction.SmashObject no longer has held item condition
TakeFromDispenser drops item if held
A bunch more of foreach to for-loop conversions, when FA is used.
Desires++ now use for-loops instead of foreach when dealing with FAs.