19,298 Commits over 1,614 Days - 0.50cph!
Fixed NRE in Building.RequiresItem
Removed BuildingStates enum & concept of states from Building
Constructable buildings have a usability threshold, so that buildings can be used (e.g. shelters) before being fully complete
Interactions can define whether the smartobject's parent entity must be flagged IsUsable for them to be enabled
Added BaseEntity.IsUsable flag
WIP building construction state persistence
fixed tooltips not going away
Fixed NRE in PlayerController.HandleWorldInteraction
PlayerController cleanup, role defs save
added an initial more precise raycast to unit selection / mouseover
PlayerController interactables use List because FixedArray is uesless in this context
I think this is necessary to make things actually cache? Correct me if I'm wrong @billowe
Removing old blur bg image from radial menu
Decision space reduction tests WIP
Added experimental Agent DSE caching for Conditions and Considerations (toggled in AI manager config)
Added WIP UnitDesires UI widget, various UI cleanup
Fix UnitBehaviourWidget buttons not using default icons when the Action has no icon defined in data
UI maked image shader supports color alpha fade
Behaviour widget improvements and cleanup
Cleaned up action wrapper override to support data changes at runtime, moved UI exposure control to the action wrapper
Some keywords refactoring related to behaviours, added keyword for dispensable name
Unit behaviour UI widget builds action descriptions on demand rather than BaseBehaviour/BehaviourChain doing it
ImageMasked material copy to avoid constant changes to ui_mask.mat etc
Removed Update from ImageMasked
Added Mood consideration to non-player commanded building goal
Added the UnitBehaviourWidget back to the UI
TribeTracker widget only updates potraits on activate, not all the time
Effects profiler samples, FA loops converted from foreach to for
InteractionPositions now live on the Triggers layer
Fixed SmartObject.OnSmartBehaviourExecuted not reserving interaction positions when the subscription already has position allocated
Added triggers to InteractionPosition to help with blocked detection
Fixed corpse NREs in OnDispensed callback (missing meat or skeleton meshes)
Added simple interactionPosition blocked detection, condition to test whether a Unit is blocking a position that they don't have a subscription for
Fixed rare NRE in Roles.GetActiveRole
Fixed error in UnitPortraitManager after loading a saved game
Fixed some event related NREs in Desires/BaseDesire
UI sorting tweaks, tooltip position for item bar fixed
Spawner stuff, controls UI fix
Entity position cleanup improvements in WorldManager, should stop things spawning under cliffs
Testing legacy bake on island01 again
Island01 spawner tweaks,
Terrority behaviour tweaks
Rabbits can form collections, added UnitGroupSupportsCollections condition also checks that the unit itself can form them
Some more debugger tweaks
Can toggle sidebar in AI debugger
Fixed ResourceView NRE
Building fixes/tweaks, some probably pointless generics in entity view creation...
smoothed out mud a bit on tiny hut
Fixed bad initialisation of upgrade renderer mappings in BuildingView
Added Hostiles Are In My Territory condition.
Fixed missing requirements text in building tooltips
KnowledgeOverlay widget inherits BaseSelectedUnitWidget
Fixed ItemBar not clearing on deactivate
Reduced idle module weights on some animals
Buffed wold and bear smell senses, aggression. Humans smell more