19,298 Commits over 1,614 Days - 0.50cph!
More UI text component replacement
Initial implementation of location and mood based snapshot blending.
Durational actions + UI stuff
Fixed NRE in collections debug gizmos
Added group collection support condition, tweaked groups data and herd AI module
Smash big rock has its own interaction, held item condition to prevent it being performed when held
Replaced all small rock meshes with slightly higher poly versions, scales might be a bit off
Moved audio source prefabs into the prefabs folder
Unclamped structural values for building upgrades
Fixed building view init order issues causing NRE in the building editor tool
apparently I didn't commit the mixer.
Deleted unused building stat definitions
Fixed names not showing correctly in the data browser when the game is playing
Fixed some nulled unlocks in Building skill def
Attachments cleanup, various editor fixes
Item view attachment offsets can be adjusted at runtime by selecting the view in the scene view
stabilisetorso srcipt to carry both hands anim to stop it from rotating like a crazy
Added chest Unit attachment slot, updated importer
Added big rocks to spawn tables
Remade all human view prefabs
Fixed bad rock pile materials
Fixed entity view prefab import resetting source object scale to 1
Fixed Item.BigRock having a bad view prefab, set default interaction and carry params (using new chest slot)
Renamed huts to be consistent
Some misc cleanup
renamed bear body mesh to proper name (didnt help make it not die on spawn)
isCarryingBothHands for large rocks
WIP Migration to TextMeshPro
Fixed NRE in Command
DynamicDOF uses player camera transform not Player root when lerping focus by distance
Extreme color grading, sorry petur
audio mixer snapshot blending based on camera distance.
Don't cache names in editor because unless in playmode
Audio bundles can specify UnitSettings, updated animal bundles
Description overflow fix.
Bear Cave, not fully working + reimport of stats
Desires and Emotes summaries.
Only show interaction position data warning when there are positional interactions defined in the Entity/SmartObject data
Default interactions for a few items, removed destroy on unsubscribe from SmartObject since it was no longer used
Editor tweaks
DataBrowser listing tweaks
DispenserParameters validates dispensable names
Fixed player controller not filtering Abilities properly
Fixed NRE with debug spawn panel
Fixed some interaction actions being the wrong order
CorpseParameters implements IInteractionProvider