19,298 Commits over 1,614 Days - 0.50cph!
Melee combat won't miss 100% of the time now.
Combat now uses spreads rather than chance to hit for projectiles.
Player singleton fuckeries
Tracker animator uses unscaled time
Fixed NRE in ItemDesire.Matches (Knowledge.CanFindItemForDesire must check dispensable types when evaluating dispenables)
More graphics options cleanup
Enable post processing control for various effects
Cleaning up and fixing graphics option toggles
Bootstrap loading tweaks
Added PostProcessingController script to player/camera
ItemSetings ItemParameters fields should be initialized in their declaration
reverting island 0001 as I left some random building assets in there
Building editor addon positioning, prefabs, cleanup
NRE catch in UnitPortraitManager
Reduced fog in clear weather
Session kill cleanup, reset for UnitPortraitManager.
Sessions correctly save loaded scenes when loading from an existing game zone scene in the editor.
Some fixes to Desire persistence.
SmartObject persistence removed for now.
Player cleanup, now derived from SingletonBehaviour
Player selection works properly in editor when not restricted to tribe units
UnitCollection trigger profiler hook tweak
Locked selection, UI tweaks
tweaks to snapshot lerping
Fixed portrait clones not getting the right colors etc from their reference units
Removing missing clip from atmospheric music data
Yet another snapshot system.
changed clothing shader from "forward" to "all"
More UI stuff
Fixed portrait tinting
Unit portraits lighting improvement and rotatiion sync
Added menu item to open the game config asset in a popup editor (Before/Game Config)
AssetMenu supports grouping func
Attachments editor fixes
rearranged vertex colour order or on the shelter so builds better
trying to make branch better but cant edit attachment position
Fixed eyes shader
Various UI fuckeries
audio modifier experiment
Fixed buildings not starting with full hp
More building editor improvements and addons groundwork
Event based audio snapshot support.
Building editor decay slider, fixes
Removed some old random building materials that aren't used
Added decay tint color to building shader, optional dissolve via switch node
Building decay material hookups, addons stuff
changed value to Construction