19,298 Commits over 1,614 Days - 0.50cph!
Fixed index range errors in Stat+Tickable
-GC optimization for IM, and a bunch of Profiler samples.
Stat modifable/tickable uses dict instead of grouping. This kills the GC.
Stat.UpdateModifiers() profiler sample
Added ActivityData, refactoring Activity a little
NotificationsWidget subscribes to acitivty itself rather than being managed by GameUI
More Activity refactoring
Fixed GameManager loading another zone when playing from a zone scene in editor
YAMfM (or Yet Another Merge from Main)
LoadGameFromSubscene fix
MusicManager improvements
WeightedObject refactor, added IWeightedObject<T>
Added WeightedAudio
Added AudioMixerEx
BeforeEditor buttons visible without an active tab
Added button to BeforeEditor to dirty and save all assets, use this when you get null refs in data assets
GameOptions, UIManager, UnitManager singleton cleanup
Manager singleton instance stuff moved to base class
TOD/Weather/Post/Water tweaks
I can totally spell preliminary
Prelimary merge from water-2.x beacuse yay shiny
Working version; todo fix tod_shadows
CameraParticleFX progress, fixed issue with Unit+Flags handling of sleep, added ResetBehaviour Action
Sticks can be harvested from trees, and will grow slowly
Fixed energy ticking twice like a twat
Removed UnitFindItemsScore, scoring added to UnitCanFindCraftingItems
Tall pines now require an axe to harvest, as does harvesting a bush for sticks
Fixed emotes not working
Rain rains
More FindItem improvement (wip support for finding multiple items of the same id or type), added UnitFindItemsScore consideration
Reverted 5.3b4 API updated crap
Emote tweaks
Tool requirement checks in Harvest actions
-currently idle WIP new camera, pushing to clear my laptop of it :) (uses quaternions, but aside is mostly our old camera, skyward look somewaht works, orbit-point is userselected and turns the camera towards it)
FindItem now subscribes the agent to the PickUp interaction on each found item. Addiitonally, RunImplementation checks that the agent is carrying all the items we are trying to find to ensure exection only continues when this is true (TODO: break the chain after a threshold of ticks)
FindItem bug fixes, Unit item handling improvements (make sure we update carried items list when item is destroyed)
CraftableParameters.GetAllRequiredItemIds respects item requirement counts
break the chain if we dont find the right number of items in FindItem
FindItem should now fetch items it finds correctly...
Made FindItem super super super generic. Nuked a load of old item related actions
Added ActionChainCraft.CraftingData class
Don't log DSE debug unless Application.isEditor
FindItemGeneric will check carried items when finding using an ItemType
Crafting things, all the things
Reverted back to passing NullIntention for CraftItem when called in FindItemGeneric
Unit.Goto if FindItemGeneric is picking up an existing item
Assign required_item_id in FindItemGeneric before scoring craftablity (when not looking for a tool)