19,298 Commits over 1,614 Days - 0.50cph!
Some FindItemGeneric cleanup
-CraftItem now works with or without CraftIntention
-ActionChainData can store an 'ItemToCraftId'
ItemManager.ScoreGenericPickupDSE accepts overrides for decision context weight and DSE score bonus
ItemManager now stores the generic pickup DSE and default pickup interaction refs for scoring lists of items conveniently
Added GenericPickupDSE field as default ref on ItemSettings
-tiger tiger crafting bright (more crafting WIP)
UnitManager loads assets on Awake
Zone will find EntitySpawners and call Spawn on init
Human anim/controller changes wip
Added EntitySpawner for hand placing spawns in scenes
removed asset db refresh call in BE load assets to see if it makes everything ok
Added ActionChain.Break method and OnChainBreak event
Remove commented out DSE con line from BeforeEditor+Assets
Fade out DSE editor in BehaviourPlanSettingsEditor when ScoreForDecisionMaking is false
Allow weighted objects a minimum weight of 0.01f in the editor
Fixed MusicManager tag handling, should play a wider variety of music now
Removed HumanInfo, all handled in UnitInfo
Unit emote sounds should play less often
Removed bad create mothod from WeatherSettings
Removed WeatherVolume and related code
Disabled volume based weather system, weather is now randomly changed by the PlayerWeather component
Improved internal handling of unit sleep and death (ensure behaviour ticks and DM are always disabled)
AbilityPlanData -> BehaviourPlanData
BehaviourPlanData in BehaviourPlan base
Comments on example code in FindRequiredTool
Agent behaviour changes, added GetAbility
-reverted UnitCanFindRequiredToolConsideration.cs
-new FindItemGeneric action , moving towards finding items smartlier.
-DseConsideration, for complex considerations that use their own DSE internally
-many merges
More weather fx tweaks, shader fiddling
Removed the unit interactions ui widget
CameraParticleFX boilerplate
DecisionContext constructor overload with bp and target
Fixed crash caused by UnitDecisionMaker bad nested loops
Added AbilityPlanData
Begone, foreach in UnitDecisionMaker
Moving a list creation in ConsiderAsResource
More weather tinkering
Replaced a rogue foreach in TargetRequiredByTribe
Weather volume prefab layer + audio mixer fix
Added atmospheric music track 16
More WeatherSettings, enabled weather