
19,298 Commits over 1,614 Days - 0.50cph!

10 Years Ago
rexported animals with proper skin mesh names
10 Years Ago
Missed a mat
10 Years Ago
Added HSB color type Added back ScionPP editor scripts Added some human color params to BiomeSettings Added Color.Variaton() Added WeightedColor Skin shader tweaks Cleaned up old crap from ColorUtility HuamnView handles randomsiation of hair and skin materials per Unit (not optimal)
10 Years Ago
Added Idle Move Interaction and DSE.
10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
-removed comment, preventing Bill shouting
10 Years Ago
Agent+DM will now add a new smart behaviour for the idle behaviour interaction.
10 Years Ago
-influence map display is customizabler
10 Years Ago
-a new 'debugInfluenceMaps' tickbox in the Debug window visually projects influence maps atop the zone.
10 Years Ago
Started on integration of Idle Behaviours.
10 Years Ago
BeforeDebug correctly assigns delegates and creates BeforeDebugObject from OnEnable if already in playmode
10 Years Ago
prefab tweak
10 Years Ago
Mo tweaks
10 Years Ago
PlayerCamera tweaks
10 Years Ago
Fixed some bugs with Resource states and interaction management Resources now dispense all items when the master item is depleted (berry bushes dispense all their berries when harvested for their sticks)
10 Years Ago
create a unit camera instead of cloning main
10 Years Ago
Silly unit camera test thing Added petur's animated eyes to humans
10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
SPM processing + island 03 changes Added Scion PP Third party
10 Years Ago
Refactor backup.
10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
terain aplhas tree pine 01 breakmesh test obj follow unit added back in
10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
Added terrain alpha support to standard-terrain and standard-blendterrain shaders
10 Years Ago
made free cam timescale independent misc stuff
10 Years Ago
Adjusted some contributions and shifted around some considerations for DSEs.
10 Years Ago
island 03 topo
10 Years Ago
fixed pttr crap
10 Years Ago
Try again
10 Years Ago
Island 003 tinkering Fix for considerations reorderable list being a dick
10 Years Ago
Cleaning up widget crap again
10 Years Ago
Reverting some scene changes to fix ui shit
10 Years Ago
Caching rect trasform in UIWdiget
10 Years Ago
Added ConsiderationSettingsWrapper DSEs stores ConsiderationSettingsWrapper
10 Years Ago
Tribe.KnownBuildings only returns buildings owned by the tribe
10 Years Ago
Added ItemManager Debug improvements (show effects from consumables) Fixed some issues with action chain
10 Years Ago
reject effects with empty action chains when instantiating in effect manager fixed null action in rested effect
10 Years Ago
humans spawned using the debug window are added to the player's tribe
10 Years Ago
made action chain run logerror more descriptive
10 Years Ago
Some shrubbery files.
10 Years Ago
Tweaks and cleanup, removing debug logs etc
10 Years Ago
effects debug tweak
10 Years Ago
Reed texture layout.
10 Years Ago
Removed DICKS Metas
10 Years Ago
Better tint base on reed texture.
10 Years Ago
Added an error log message to when we try to make an animation callback, but there's no event callback available with the injected event name. Not 100% sure this is intended (that it should support accepting null), but until confirmed, better to call this than not).
10 Years Ago
Ehrm, made the relative_threshold in AlreadySubscribedToBetterDecision actually work as intended.
10 Years Ago
Added AlreadySubscribedToBetterDecision to Agent+DM + shifted to an int based test for score of 0 or less (with a resolution of 0.00001).