
19,298 Commits over 1,614 Days - 0.50cph!

6 Years Ago
Fixed MachineRequirements.WriteToBlackboard returning true when it shouldnt
6 Years Ago
ran clean up tool on units
6 Years Ago
Disable physics on trunks when they hit the ground
6 Years Ago
relinked all unit assets
6 Years Ago
Added Tools/Clean Unit Prefabs
6 Years Ago
UnitView NRE fixes
6 Years Ago
Machine requirements fact can read process from blackboard when writing plans, filtering results for process-compatible targets Fire lighting uses machine requirements fact Fixed condition group editor rendering not displaying mode control properly
6 Years Ago
Fixed NREs when spawning non-game ready entities Only warmup game ready assets in builds, everything in editor
6 Years Ago
lots of animal lods
6 Years Ago
Fixed NRE in BuildingRequirements fact setup due to OOE
6 Years Ago
Added behaviour count condition & consideration
6 Years Ago
Fixed tribe create ghosts
6 Years Ago
Building module priority fixes (people should gather more than one item at a time again). StockpileRequirements finishing touches. Stockpiling AI using StockpileRequirements fact.
6 Years Ago
Fact provider settings types must implement ShouldInstall(Facts) method for auto-provider creation Dispenser interaction wrappers can define an animation bool, used by SetInteractionAnimatorBool action
6 Years Ago
Dropping unneeded stuff AI stockpile filter no longer looking for Profession building category.
6 Years Ago
Data fixes
6 Years Ago
Interaction wrapper animator bool test
6 Years Ago
WaitForTree action rename to WaitForTargetDestruction to match class name change
6 Years Ago
Stone harvesting AI uses mine interaction
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Asset validation
6 Years Ago
ResourceView setup stuff moved to initialize
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Fixed repair construction time requirement not being updated during repair. No longer possible to repair more HP than the necessary amount.
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Validate all assets on editor load and script reload
6 Years Ago
Fixed shelter construction
6 Years Ago
lots of Building logging.
6 Years Ago
Moved some UIWidget events to BaseUIObject Context widget closes on callback from root menu element animation Fixed highlighter sometimes not working on resource views
6 Years Ago
Removed unnecessary IsFromPool field on views
6 Years Ago
Fixed lingering context menu label text
6 Years Ago
Added visiblity and FoW flags to entity debug inspector Entity view highlighting fixes
6 Years Ago
Container cleanup. Fixed machine output container mode.
6 Years Ago
Sleep speed is 20x
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Context menu closes on MMB down
6 Years Ago
Context menu tweaks
6 Years Ago
Auto open context menu requires 1 or more interactions flagged to auto-open Context menu positioning uses target entity bounds Fixed NRE In playerController.MouseOver Fixed IOE in SmartObject.Reset Fixed NRE in WetnessTickValue when unit has no wearables component Fixed Wetness currently stat being simulated Fixed highlight shader not taking vertex color masking value (BEF-630) Fixed context menu not copying all command data, causing issues with pooling resets now that context menu doesn't block new interactions/mouseover calls
6 Years Ago
atmos 45 edits
6 Years Ago
Fixed NRE in WetnessTickValue when playing from testbox Context menu fixes
6 Years Ago
Resource widget WIP (don't use this yet)
6 Years Ago
More shelter data. Friendly health bars are green again. Styled enemy health bars. (red)
6 Years Ago
Shelter data.
6 Years Ago
gui_game that isn't all disabled.
6 Years Ago
Minor loading scene tweak. GUI game scene.
6 Years Ago
ContextMenuWidget v1 & related assets.
6 Years Ago
Wetness stat simulator now takes into account rain resistance of worn clothing and occupied building, simulates drying using temperate at entity position Interaction position groups can be flagged as "in building", used to set Unit.InBuilding property
6 Years Ago
Small shelter
6 Years Ago
Reverted reverted contxt menu
6 Years Ago
BEF-616: Middle mouse closes side-panels, but it probably shouldn't. (So that you can MMB pan around without closing panels) Refafctored settlement supplies system, no longer uses SupplyTypes enum, instead tracks items, units plus item, food and weapon types Fixed entity component editor drawers showing enabled and name fields Context menu opens on hover for non-units