
1,877 Commits over 1,157 Days - 0.07cph!

9 Years Ago
Missed a file
9 Years Ago
Updated animation controller with intro / outro for run, started to split effects from the tennis controller
9 Years Ago
fixed motion bone weirdness on Ape run east
9 Years Ago
Added Ape anim meta files
9 Years Ago
added outer grass to scene that blends with main rock light map
9 Years Ago
updates to Ape forehand_stand
9 Years Ago
Added Ape run south & south east Added 1st pass forehand & backhand volleys
9 Years Ago
added net pillars with texture and moving parts. added reverse side to net, temporary texture on net
9 Years Ago
Added animation events to turn off racket trails, added trail to elvis racket
9 Years Ago
Added a replay camera, bit more work on the replay system
9 Years Ago
texturing new net
9 Years Ago
Removed old replay system, added support for players, ball and effects
9 Years Ago
Experimenting with trail system
9 Years Ago
added new work-in-progress net to wild west level. Added final textured cacti. Added grass shader to court that works dynamically with dirt_map
9 Years Ago
tweaked lighting in wild west unity scene, added spikes to cactus and 50% on texture
9 Years Ago
More WIP on replay system - now a manager to hold all effect events
9 Years Ago
tweaked ambient light and other material colours to make scene look less orange and more natural
9 Years Ago
brightened up rock lightmaps (switched to add instead of multiply to try to make the blues less green), darkened main light intensity from 0.5 to 0.4. Added sinwave timer back on to court to art-test
9 Years Ago
saved psd
9 Years Ago
Added minium / max scale for generated rocks
9 Years Ago
New char02 fbx export to source and art database. Texture compression check. Material tweaks.
9 Years Ago
WIP on replay system for effects
9 Years Ago
added detail to court textures
9 Years Ago
made light slightly brigher, darkened wood textures slightly (set to grey)
9 Years Ago
set court_wear.tga to black (this is the tga that is dynamically changed in code)
9 Years Ago
added new court shader with dirt and metal (clean) varients, with splatmap to blend between the two
9 Years Ago
rexported wild west environment with court unwrapped and temp texture, fixed bad vert on grating, added court texture psd
9 Years Ago
Modified best shot selection, now checks whether can move in time, previously just ignored this value!
9 Years Ago
Optimised mesh. Texture tweak. Marmoset material added to char02 in animViewer scene. Lighting tweak.
9 Years Ago
Added second character to anim viewer and fixed hit reach param not getting set
9 Years Ago
re-committed project settings
9 Years Ago
Changed materials
9 Years Ago
removed old jail_lights material
9 Years Ago
moved all wild-west specific meshes, materials, textures and shaders to wildwest folder in unity. deleted some old files
9 Years Ago
FBX export of char02.
9 Years Ago
Character 2, Mavis, source and game assets.
9 Years Ago
Can now change gamespeed in debug settings
9 Years Ago
Correctly assigned rackets for players, moved prefabs, fixed racket name error
9 Years Ago
Removed old character prefab, added prop bone transform to script to deal with different bone names. Made controller set players for gameplay camera
9 Years Ago
Adjusted backhand timing
9 Years Ago
Added 1st pass Ape run intro/outros for E/S/W
9 Years Ago
Updated Ape run north
9 Years Ago
Modifications to the shot table, can now display anim time in viewer
9 Years Ago
brightend up rock lightmaps
9 Years Ago
Added backhand to controller, Switched off AI dropshot
9 Years Ago
Added Ape backhand anim & meta data
9 Years Ago
added orbiting rocks to skybox, added new skybox (temp texture) and sun to skybox. Removed old stuff in unity doc including old building and props
9 Years Ago
Built new ape prefab, assigned shot table and started to build new animation controller
9 Years Ago
added temp skybox and fogging
9 Years Ago
re-exported rocks