branchrust_reboot/main/Attack Helicoptercancel
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Fixed backfire effect rotation issues
Hooked up rocket tube rear back fire FX
Merge Main -> Attack Helicopter
Optimized rotor blur texture placeholder.
Keep displaying rocket ammo count while reloading rockets (so that the number can be seen while holding down the fire button)
'fixcars' now fills the attack heli with gun+bullets+rockets (plus the usual fuel and repairs)
Heli rocket UI diamond is now more of a rotated square (per request)
Use initial velocity vector correctly or rocket ballistics calc
Doubled the amount of rocket slots
Ghost crosshair is functional, shows gun turret true hit point
Rocket icon slightly less phallic
Rocket crosshair icon. Ghost crosshair WIP
Rocket crosshair, set full opacity
Changed rocket crosshair to a diamond (per request). Use point filtering for all gunner UI components (for retro style).
Attack heli physics adjustments, more lift at angles
Adjusted attack heli torque
Call sub-ent input methods from a better place, prevent double or missing calls
NeedsKeyboard can now allow Reload
Split AH UI sprites into LoRes/HiRes variants.
Ground effect tweak/fix
Fixed cockpit headlight indicator
Show rocket ammo type in the gunner's UI
Hide heli gun crosshair when gun isn't available. Fixed server-side TryGetProjectedHitPos.
Calculate the heli rocket hit pos a bit more accurately
Calculate the projected ballistic trajectory of a fired heli rocket - based on the currently loaded ammo - and show that projected hit point as a crosshair in the gunner's UI
Merge Main -> Attack Helicopter
Give heli rockets gravity back
Prevent altlook when in gunner view
Make player put held items away if they switch to gunner view
Use first-person instead of first-person-with-arms for the heli gunner. Unfortunately this prevents showing their first-person hand holding the joystick, but first-person-with-arms doesn't work with holding items
Increased rotation range a little more
Increased turret rotation range
Fixed gunner overlay staying open in a couple of situations
Minicopter class. Allows the population setting to still be called minicopter.population
Merge Main -> Attack Helicopter
Made the attack heli gunner cam a bit brighter
More gunner UI improvements
Show key control guide in the gunner UI
Use no gravity on heli rockets, so that they fly straight to target
Smaller crosshair shows where rockets are aiming
UI indicates when rockets are reloading
Added ability for heli gunner to fire ze missiles
Removed unused patrol heli firing code
Simplified gunner UI text display
Updated gunner UI to show info on rockets as well. Switched Unity text to RustText. Manifest.
Rocket pod interaction, storage, networking
Enabled missile pod models, adjusted LOD change points, set up colliders