286 Commits over 92 Days - 0.13cph!
Loot panel token name edit
Fixed missing SAM site loot panel
Play-on-show off on rocket launch cycle LOD
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raised the dwellings spawns a little in desert_military_base_d (tents ground mats clipping in terrain)
Fixed desert military base not spawn
desert military base now highest priority
Added ability to sit down at some dwellings modules furniture
cherrypicking BillB commits to Aux back to Desert_Military_bases
Single desert dwelling AI respawn
Military base spawn rules - target count =1 (S2C)
Updated hand IK, and joystick controls now move. Hid the big lever since it's unused.
Created icons for the aiming module and MLRS rocket
Added a world model for the aiming module item. Adjusted rocket model LOD
Get the MLRS working with the updated broken-down effect
Rocket target area changes
Prevent MLRS from directly targeting safe zones at all. Note: It can still transition across a safe zone while moving to a new target - this is why safe zones have an invisible missile-destroying shield as well.
Animated lighting for MLRS breakdown state.
Prefab updates to prevent duplicate desert military base dwellings and to preserve base layout through server restart
Added option to SpawnGroup to prevent duplicates of the same prefab within that group
Added bounds scale multiplier to SpaceCheckingSpawnPoint
tweaks and polish - clipping objects
Moved the fabric colliders of the military tents to the prevent movement layer
fixed shooting through buildings_scaffoldings_600_stairs prefab
Fixed an offset in plywood_wall_window_a collider
Painted some building topology under the MLRS spawners to prevent foliage spawns
more accurate colliders on kitchen_table prefab
fixed crater mesh not having a collider and not culling
closed off hole in between pipes in dwelling_double_E
Show no-target UI in the MLRS over safe zones
Removed SAM site allTarget convar, simplified code. Player SAM sites no longer target Hot Air Balloons in safe zones (this was already done for minicopters - looks as if it was intended to be done for hot air balloon as well).
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Fixed the new MLRS rocket smoke disappearing instantly on destroy
Merge MLRSGravity -> DMb. MLRS projectiles now modify gravity instead of speed when necessary, giving them a constant known velocity. Should make tweaking SAM site response easier.
MLRS rocket in-flight FX.
Reworked Desert Military Bases topologies - blend map topo road space, made monument topo wider, added some road topology to help with connections
MLRS UI clearer target cursor
MLRS UI target crosshair is a little clearer