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▅▄▌▇▅ ▄▄▋▆ ▌▇▌▅▊▋▌▆█▄/▊██
▅▋▇▍▌ ▆▌▆▅ ▊▍▇▍▊▆▆▋▍▇/▄▄▇
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▍▊▉▄▊ ▌▅▍▌ ▍▌▄▋▌▆▌▌▅▉/▌█▍
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█▉▇▅█ ▅▆▇▌ ▅▆▉▉▉▍▆█▄▅/▇▊▅
▍▊▆█▅ █▌▌█ ▄▄▆█▍▌▇▅▅▄/▅▆█
▄▋▉█▉ ▅▉▆▍ ▉▅▊▉▆▅▆▉▇█/▉▅█
▆▋▌▅▆ █▇▅▋ ▄▄▄▅▉▇▄▆▆█/█▊▄
subtracting all renderscale merges
Added extra anchor to cliff_low_sloped_l due to terrain gap
Fixed issues with world networking (introduced with monument_prioritization)
Tweaked road_vehicles to lessen the impact on roadside junkpiles
Merge from monument_prioritization
Don't spawn harbors in tight places where they end up adjusting the coastline opposite to them (looks bad, leads to glitchy topologies)
▇█▆▌ ▊▍▄█▆▉ ▇▋▆█▇▆ ▅▆ ▊▉▉▍▉▌▆ ▋▆▊▊▋ ▇▅▊▋▆ ▌▅█▄▆▌▊ ▍▋█ ▅▄ █▋▉▆█▊
Fixed another edge case that could make rivers overlap each other
Fixed harbors and fishing villages spawning at ridiculous slopes
merge from hdprb ai merge branch
Merge from backport_bugfixes
merge from AI hdrpb merge
merge from backport_bugfixes
merge from backport_bugfixes
magnet crane prefab update
magnet crane animator update
magnet crane rig update and anims
merge into hdrp_art_backport
Fixed server NRE in BiomeVisuals, added comment to explain why this even exists on the server