556 Commits over 304 Days - 0.08cph!
Re-exporting colliders one last time (if this introduces an issue we'll revert this changeset)
Tweaked the materials of temperate trees and bushes
Brightened them up slightly to make them look closer to grass at noon
Tweaked temperate grass materials and textures
Darkened grass color slightly to prevent it from getting too bright at noon
Lowered shadow bias to get rid of harsh shadows at noon, while keeping shadows at other times of day intact
Brightened temperate forest grass
Updated AO settings. Lowered thickness and increased radius of distance AO to better interact with the new foliage
Updated CraggyIsland "Alistairs Rock" with a custom collision mesh that has mesh metrics of 1 (test to see if that fixes the collision issues)
Procedural and community maps are now allowed to use 4k heightmaps
TerrainHeightMap.GetHeight01 is more accurate on meshes that were added to the height map via AddToHeightMap (but unfortunately slightly less accurate for the actual terrain mesh)
Fixed chainlink fences at sewer branch and sat dish overriding prefab LOD distances for lower values
Fixed issues with timber mine entrance in MT
re-exported cliffs after a complete scene/objects geometry+transforms reset
Continued rock investigation
tangents calculate test
Updated CraggyIsland for more testing
Better terrain normal calculation
Baked LODs for large oilrig and oilrig crane
Scene2Prefab Oilrigs and Junkyard
Explicitly assigning bundle to all the cliff / rock collider meshes
geometry reset on cliff rocks renderers and colliders
CraggyIsland tweaks for faster troubleshooting - changes under "Temp"
re-exporting cliff AddToHeightMap meshes with a UV channel
re-exporting cliff colliders with a UV channel
Import options for cliffs colliders: normals set to import
Enabled AddToHeightMap.DestroyGameObject on the cliff heightmap proxy colliders
Cleaned up fake Steam ID toggle menu item
Added "Debug/Sticky Gizmos" toggle to globally toggle sticky gizmos
Bunch of fixes for Harbor_2, LS, Powerplant, Satellite Dish, Sewer Branch, Trainyard
Some missing files
Added DestroyGameObject checkbox to AddToHeightMap (to remove proxy meshes after placement)
Fixed cliffs not spawning on steep terrain next to rivers / roads
Removed GenerateCliffSplat since it overwrites the artist-managed cliff splat adjustments
Better terrain normal map around cliffs, part 2
Better terrain normal map around cliffs (probably)
Better GenerateCliffTopology
Updated "World Setup" prefab to better handle cliff topology & splat
RustNative update (got rid of cliff / rock splat in splat map first pass)
Fixed missing cliff / building topology filter on lots of the new foliage for the procedural map
all stairs from the stairs_scaffoldings folder should let bullets through
import options for cliffs colliders set to 16bit index format and normals set to calculate
Added support for tunnel entrances inside monuments
No longer spawn tunnel entrances next to monuments that already have a tunnel entrance
Harbor dockwalls now have a long distance LOD3 to avoid the floating effect it has had
Smoother terrain anchors in excavator scene
When terrain not cooperate, make terrain eat dirt - junkyard
Blocked one way shooting on junkyard's recycler roof, fixed floating fences at junkyard
Fixed barrels clipping at dome, improved terrain behaviour around ground objects
Military tunnels now use the train tunnels flag on their environment volumes (fixes distance light bleed)
Bumped texture res of road_a albedo
Rusty roadside vehicle LOD4 materials transition more seamless
Forgot some prefab for airfield over the weekend