
490 Commits over 153 Days - 0.13cph!

2 Months Ago
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2 Months Ago
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2 Months Ago
- Wolves have a chance to stand their ground and start growling at the first swing, if they do this swing again to make them flee - Make torch swing reactions less delayed - Remove cases where a wolf is quite close to the fire, but just stares without either growling or moving away which looked odd
2 Months Ago
Fix held items on fire like torches, bows and flame throwers not being detected by wolves if the fire moves far from where it was lit
2 Months Ago
Fix fire not being detected sometimes at a specific distance (do not forget about a fire when it leaves out perception range, remember it until it's disappears)
2 Months Ago
Refactor FSM states to return their status, instead of having it being a member field (less error prone and helps states be AI architectures agnostic)
2 Months Ago
Fix immortal wolves
2 Months Ago
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2 Months Ago
Fix wolf staring and stepping forward states not being properly reacting to fire, increase the distance wolves flee from fire
2 Months Ago
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2 Months Ago
Fix wolves not comming to help their allies under some cirumstances
2 Months Ago
Fix wolves absolutely wrecking cars with their attacks
2 Months Ago
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2 Months Ago
Fix ai.killanimals command not killing the new wolves Put all new AI code in a separate namespace to avoid confusion with old AI framework Modify codegen to support namespaces
2 Months Ago
Fix ai.killanimals command not killing the new wolves Put all new AI code in a separate namespace to avoid confusion with old AI framework Modify codegen to support namespaces
2 Months Ago
Consolidate the way wolves filter preys Fix ai.addIgnorePlayer not working for the new wolves
2 Months Ago
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2 Months Ago
Potential fix for wolves jagged jumps
2 Months Ago
Prevent wolves from using a 180 anim to turn away from fire if they are already facing away, it looked odd Make wolves flee a random distance to avoid visual repetition Make wolves flee further away to avoid being easy targets
2 Months Ago
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2 Months Ago
Fix animals walking through crates and barrels
2 Months Ago
Fix wooden covers not carving navmesh
2 Months Ago
Fix wooden barricades not carving navmesh as opposed to other barricades
2 Months Ago
Fix wolf looking behind them too much when fleeing Smooth out wolf neck movement
2 Months Ago
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2 Months Ago
exported wolf swim animation
2 Months Ago
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2 Months Ago
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2 Months Ago
▉▆▄▇▅ ▆▄▆▌ ▋▇█▌
2 Months Ago
Fix wolves moving a few cm below ground level in some areas like zipline platforms
2 Months Ago
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2 Months Ago
Check if navmesh if ready on wolves, even if movement is currently disabled
2 Months Ago
Fix assert firing when wolf doesn't lock on a target because of an early out, but then tries to release the lock (harmless but prints errors) Make lock system API more intuitive and less error prone
2 Months Ago
Reduce wolf flee speed
2 Months Ago
Fix legacy wood piles and some divesite props meshes not being readable, causing navmesh to complain when building
2 Months Ago
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2 Months Ago
When composite fsm transition fails, vislog exactly which sub transition succeeded, which failed and which were skipped, to help narrow down bugs
2 Months Ago
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2 Months Ago
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3 Months Ago
Fix wolves jumping to players still in mid air, change sample navmesh method signature to be more intuitive, add owner field to fsm transitions
3 Months Ago
Fix wolves dying when they see a prey before the navmesh is built
3 Months Ago
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3 Months Ago
Fix error spam about animator param not found
3 Months Ago
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3 Months Ago
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3 Months Ago
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3 Months Ago
Attempt to fix root motion anim asset being marked as changed when opened on another machine
3 Months Ago
Add footstep sounds to new wolf anims
3 Months Ago
Add placeholder audio to wolf attack and hit
3 Months Ago
Reduce wolves mass to reduce the impact their make on vehicles when attacking Fix IsNpc returning false on client for wolves Fix wolf appearing as "wolf2" when killing a player and not being translated Fix wolf achievements and stats