
161 Commits over 62 Days - 0.11cph!

6 Years Ago
cargo ship map marker cargo ship movement improved cargo ship ladder mounting improved cargo ship NRE on exit fixed
6 Years Ago
merge from main
6 Years Ago
compile fixes rhib spawning and detatching loot spawning egression
6 Years Ago
use new lighting on cargo ship
6 Years Ago
merge from cargo_ship_lighting
6 Years Ago
Another pass on making NPCs animate movement on the Cargo Ship without fucking up players.
6 Years Ago
fixed EKG pathing mount/dismount on parent works mounting to ladders takes into consideration lerp/ping
6 Years Ago
ladder mounting bugfixes fixed ladder detection through other triggers
6 Years Ago
Some minor tweaks related to AI and cover.
6 Years Ago
Expanded waypoint set for NPC test spawn on Cargo Ship. NPCs now stand still when they've reached a destination, rather than jiggle, on the Cargo Ship.
6 Years Ago
Feet better align with eyes for NPCs on Cargo Ship.
6 Years Ago
climb functionality which somehow works
6 Years Ago
climb testing
6 Years Ago
More player LookingAt fixes
6 Years Ago
LookatTooltip falls back to player self interact menu if entity we're looking at does not have an entity menu
6 Years Ago
climb test
6 Years Ago
More work on NPCs on the Cargo Ship.
6 Years Ago
Removed highFidelityRotation from BaseVehicle since this is now the default for all entities
6 Years Ago
Client side ragdoll objects are parented correctly (fixes physics drag effect)
6 Years Ago
Fixed path following of A* paths for Scientists on Cargo Ship.
6 Years Ago
Switched over to test AI for scientists on Cargo Ship. Commented out debug vis for scientist LOS.
6 Years Ago
▌▇▇▊▅▊▇ ▇▊▉▍▆▉
6 Years Ago
Adjusted scientist speed a bit on Cargo Ship. Adjusted scientist waypoints a bit on Cargo Ship.
6 Years Ago
More AI tweaks at Cargo Ship.
6 Years Ago
More tweaks to AI related to Cargo Ship.
6 Years Ago
Improved AI Line of Sight when on the Cargo Ship.
6 Years Ago
Improved NPC orientation when on the Cargo Ship.
6 Years Ago
Added a constantly pathing A* scientist on the deck for testing.
6 Years Ago
temp fix for scientist visibility
6 Years Ago
Subtracted PlayerModel AI changes
6 Years Ago
Fixed moving scientists not animating the movement when parented.
6 Years Ago
More work on NPCs on cargo ships.
6 Years Ago
More work on NPC orientation on the cargo ship.
6 Years Ago
More NPC orientation fixes on Cargo Ship.
6 Years Ago
ocean path adjustments prop work
6 Years Ago
More work on AI orientation while on the cargo ship.
6 Years Ago
prop rotation
6 Years Ago
▅▆▇ ▌▄▆▋▊▋ ▇█▅ ▍▍▉ ▄▇▄ ▌▄▌▉▄▋ ▊█▅▆▆▌▊▋▇▅▄ ▊▅▉▆ ▄▌▇▋▋▄ ▅█ ▍▌▌▍▍█▄▉ (▊▅▊▅ ▊▅▉█▍▋▋▌▌ ▌▍ ▌▌▌▌▆█▋▇ / ▊▉▍▆▇▇)
6 Years Ago
▋▄ ██▇▌▄ ▅▄█ ▊▉▍ ▉▊▍▊▍ ▍▆▆▆
6 Years Ago
Server projectiles and thrown weapons inherit velocity from player parent
6 Years Ago
Added GetLocalVelocity, GetWorldVelocity and GetParentVelocity for both client and server Implemented server velocity for cargo ship
6 Years Ago
Fixed NRE in A* scientist's navigation.
6 Years Ago
Adjusting the cover point system to support being part of a dynamic, moving entity. Adjusting the A* pathfinding system to use dynamic positions that can follow a moving parent.
6 Years Ago
Corrected projectile directions for NPCs when on the Cargo Ship.
6 Years Ago
cargo ship loot tests
6 Years Ago
More improvements to AI orientation when on the Cargo Ship.
6 Years Ago
More work on solving orientation for AI on the Cargo Ship.
6 Years Ago
More progress on AI heading/orientation when on the Cargo Ship.
6 Years Ago
PlayerGrid now lives in world space, and other world vs local space things related to AI.
6 Years Ago
ambientLightLOD set to isDynamic