
4,583 Commits over 731 Days - 0.26cph!

6 Years Ago
[D11] Some more debugging of commandline stuff
6 Years Ago
[D11] Fix D11JenkinsFile
6 Years Ago
[D11] Some fixups for d11 console build
6 Years Ago
[D11] Turn of console builds
6 Years Ago
[D11] Debugging why MINIUDP is getting passed
6 Years Ago
[D11] Add a new Jenkins build method for D11
6 Years Ago
[D11] Use a different version of unity for console
6 Years Ago
[D11] [UI] updated aesthetics for the compass, voice chat icon, hint banner, HUD notifications added thus far inert UI elements for base stats, coordinates, stance display, pinned recipe and inventory fullness indicator
6 Years Ago
[D11] [UI] Wrapped "VitalPreview" code inside #if CLIENT define, updated texture and added materials for vitals bar elements. Code adjusted to match in-game HUD requirements for proper implementation.
6 Years Ago
[D11] Pass unity version
6 Years Ago
[D11] Take it back out for now
6 Years Ago
[D11] Try adding PS4 build and use proper root so we can poll
6 Years Ago
[D11] Client auto-bot stress testing, for simulating multiple remote connections from a single client. Enabled with D11_CLIENT_AUTO_BOTS, and f5/f6 at runtime.
6 Years Ago
[D11] null check
6 Years Ago
[D11] Change to checkout scm so we can poll
6 Years Ago
[D11] [UI] Submitted WIP assets for new Vitals bar logic to enable previewing of pending changes to vitals based on item selection/interaction.
6 Years Ago
[D11] Try the official version in unity hub
6 Years Ago
[D11] Now handles custom prebuilt versions of unity
6 Years Ago
[D11] Removed hardcoded IP address
6 Years Ago
[D11] Start to add back anything we care about
6 Years Ago
[D11] Reimported all audio clips with rules for import settings as defined in AudioClipProcessor, try to make good choices about which to stream and which to compress and load. Actually I committed some of these by mistake with another changelist, these are the remaining files.
6 Years Ago
[D11] compute the pre-filtered warmup list from the prefabProperties list in the game manifest, at design time instead of at run time. It was taking a very long time to run on ps4 (45 seconds in debug) change the standard asset bundles to chunk-based, seems to produce results that all fit within 4GB as long as you do a clean build by deleting the existing bundles (why is this?)
6 Years Ago
[D11] WIP faster warmup with warmup bundle - needs bundles re-built with USE_WARMUP_BUNDLE enabled. Currently I call immediately after AssetBundleBackend is constructed, just for quicker testing.
6 Years Ago
[D11] Disabled anti-hack move validation on a server running auto-bot tests.
6 Years Ago
[D11] Fixes for new UI scripts causing serialisation errors on a bundle build.
6 Years Ago
[D11] Re-disabled compression on server asset bundle build to improve build times, and re-added a line lost in the merge for applying script-overridden build defines (probably wouldn't have affected most people).
6 Years Ago
[D11] Make D11Jenkinsfile use correct branch
6 Years Ago
[D11] Simplify for debugging
6 Years Ago
[D11] Add a D11JenkinsFile
6 Years Ago
[D11] merge from main + related fixes
6 Years Ago
[D11] [UI] adjusted the notifications so that player vitals related notifications are on the right, and removed bars on ones that didn't need bars. updated the health/hunger/thirst bars to match the mockup.
6 Years Ago
[D11] Added ForceDebug=true to xb1 build to prevent crash on boot when using script debugging
6 Years Ago
Fix for missing define
6 Years Ago
[D11] Get rid of _outgoingData not needed anymore.
6 Years Ago
[D11] [UI] fix for old HUD null reference error
6 Years Ago
Standalone build now allows for local server/client connection (currently uses CraggyIsland and can be accessed pressing the steam workshop button on main menu) For this to work it uses a special unstripped assetbundle. Currently has no cleanup code and only tested on windows/editor. Added "AssetBundle/for client+server" script that should build out the asset bundle without any client/server stripping Added "Build/Client/ win64 with local server" Should build out exe with local server enabled Added "Switch/Allow Local Server" for adding the correct defines to enable local servers (ALLOW_LOCAL_SERVER) Added use EDITOR_ASSET_BUNDLE to allow the editor to use assetbundles (added mainly to test that prefabs weren't getting stripped)
6 Years Ago
[D11] Implemented SendBroadcast in LiteNetLib
6 Years Ago
[D11] Much cleaner stat tracking in LiteNetLib
6 Years Ago
[D11] Add some scripts to reimport all audio clips with settings as suggested by Unity, and a general framework to re-trigger the import of any sort of asset class
6 Years Ago
[D11] [UI] fixed a misplaced float causing an error in a server build
6 Years Ago
[D11] Windows console server builds with IL2CPP backend on define, and no longer packages Steam DLLs with the build. Fixed Steam DLL name-mangling in Windows dev server build.
6 Years Ago
[D11] Handle the kick in litenetlib
6 Years Ago
[D11] [UI] wip changes to the notification areas aesthetics
6 Years Ago
[D11] Add BytesSentPerSecond and BytesReceivedPerSecond to litenetlib and hook them up
6 Years Ago
[D11] Patch in the GetAddress
6 Years Ago
[D11] Ping fix and exception fix
6 Years Ago
[D11] [UI] Reverted a change to bootstrap in order to preview changes
6 Years Ago
[D11] [UI] Progress on fixing small graphical errors on Belt bar in new Console port HUD. Work-in-progress. - [D11] [UI] Progress on fixing small graphical errors on Belt bar in new Console port HUD. Work-in-progress. [D11] [UI] Started on updating the notification banners on the bottom right HUD. Work in progress.
6 Years Ago
[D11] Fixed editor crash when selecting to build Win64 Debug Server from the menu, and added console client compatibility. Additional file-type support added to the asset stripping test.
6 Years Ago
[D11] [UI] - Added SDF fonts for TMP + material variations for dropshadow and outline