304 Commits over 122 Days - 0.10cph!
Harbor 1 vertex color and dressing progress
tweaking overgrowth positions, clipping and density for the following levels - airfield, compound, gas_station, harbor2, launch_site
Harbor 1 layout and dressing progress
updated overgrowth prefabs inside spawning junkpiles
arid variants for some grasses
fixed incorrect biome set on a tire prefab
S2P all (overgrowth links refresh)
fixed an offset that appeared in coaling tower prefab - collection bin offset
removed missing mesh bit from static refinery prefab
new tree models for monument overgrowth, temperate and snow variants
Fix HLOD generator failing if it finds a RendererLOD with a renderer that is missing a mesh/material
Adjusted harbor_2 hlod settings to include roads
Added a DebugMode option on the HOLDBounds asset, this will print out each asset while processing so it's easier to track down specific objects that are causing problems
Split up harbor crane mesh for gameplay setup
harbor2 - boosted ambient pointlights
more biome visuals compatible props and structures
baked harbor grounds meshes
specific collider meshes for grounds - removed old duplicates
bunch of biome visuals compliant prefabs
simple colliders for damaged scientist turret
harbor2 level update
Harbor2 scene hierarchy cleanup
baked to mesh vertex paint grounds LOD0
Vertex painting pass (almost complete)
Ladder volumes, fill lights, loot spawns pass
Tweaked concrete_h blending mask
Set dressing harbor2 progress
Set dressing harbor2 progress
vertex painting grounds progress
Set dressing harbor2 progress
material tweaks and prop prefab variants
'keep out' and road debris decals
Set dressing harbor2 progress
moved zipline platforms assets over from compound branch - not a merge
Set dressing harbor2 progress
materials decal layer #
Set dressing harbor2 progress
materials decal layer #
Set dressing harbor2 progress
shifted a bunch of materials' decal layer to #3
Set dressing harbor2 progress
mossy tire stacks material variant
Potential fix for Particle Accum Layer breaking when rotating object
Set dressing harbor2 progress
mossy containers
mossy rubble piles
mossy plywood walls
some fixes to Harbor1 island placement
harbor2 backup
Set dressing harbor2 progress
added a rusted up broken variant of the scientist turret for set dressing
Set dressing harbor2 progress
Set dressing harbor2 progress
Set dressing harbor2 progress
some progress from before break
lightpost update - remove spotlights that were integrated in favor of in prefab spotlights