467 Commits over 1,188 Days - 0.02cph!
Call UpdateFullFlag when adding or removing modules from a modular car as well
Call UpdateFullFlag for the vehicle when a BaseMountable is mounted or dismounted
This was already the intention but BaseVehicle's PlayerMounted and PlayerDismounted are not called when restoring mounts from a save
Unparent entities which are not a part of the transfer so they don't get killed when the transfer succeeds
Don't allow mount/dismount when the entity is being transferred
Fix island billboards rendering on the wrong side of the map (or in the terrain) when the draw distance is low
Add an option to MapImageRenderer to render maps with alpha
Area covered by ocean margin will fade to transparent when rendering with alpha
Render maps with alpha when uploading to the nexus
Fix outline around the island billboards in certain lighting
Increase the size of island billboards so they are a bit easier to see
Possible fix for server NRE when handling ping responses from other zones
Eject all inactive entities from the ferry when departing so ferries can't accumulate junk
Fix ferry stuck at dock after spawning in automatically
Update FP.Nexus
Automatically render and upload the map to the nexus at server boot
Add a convar to force reupload it just in case
Revert System.Memory back to cs
41063 (4.5.5 -> 4.5.4)
WIP map of the nexus in GameUI
Update FP.Nexus to fix IL2CPP issues
Set up the game client's connection to the nexus API (via NexusClient)
Fill in proper zone names on the sleeping bag buttons and island transfer HUD message
Update FP.Nexus
Rename zone Name -> Key
Fix nexus initialize failure in editor leaving the DB file open forever
Fix issues with the getNexusAth rust+ rpc
Don't mark the player's appKey as private so they can retrieve it from the nexus directly
Remove the app key from pairing data
Remove redundant playerId field in getNexusAuth
Update FP.Nexus
Store the Rust+ connection details in nexus zone variables on server boot
Generate a random app key for each player on joining the nexus (if not already set)
Send some nexus details with notifications for pairing when the server has nexus enabled
Create a new Rust+ RPC to get the server ID and player token for a player when given the correct app key
Update info RPC to include nexus connection info
Fix wrong nexus island entity transform calculation so it lines up with the nexus map now
Fix transfer protection not turning off immediately when a player transfers without a vehicle
Stop trying to move the ferry while it is in the transferring state
Show a countdown on the loading screen for how long the driver has to load in before a passenger takes over
Wait on the loading screen until transfer protection is removed (driver loads in)
Swap the inactive driver to another player if a passenger is ready and transfer protection expires
Only disable transfer protection for helicopters when the driver loads in
Allow transferring helicopters between servers by flying them towards the island billboards (like boats)
Freeze the helicopter in the sky while it is transfer protected
More ferry movement improvements
Smoother ferry acceleration and turning
Add a safe zone to the ferry
Turn the nexus dock prefab into a monument (WIP)
Automatically spawn a nexus dock in procgen when the server is running as a nexus
Update ferry to actually sail across the ocean to and from the matching island billboard entity
Make the island billboards look better (lit properly, blends in with fog)
Fix island billboards being clipped when far enough away
Fix server full warning never disappearing
Show a warning on the hud when approaching an island that is currently full
Don't add nexus.redirect servers to the player's server history
Add an option in the editor to change all nexus.redirect calls to localhost for debugging
Try loading server info for the transfer connection screen sooner
Compile fixes after merge