1,903 Commits over 2,191 Days - 0.04cph!
Fixcars command now correctly replaces engine internals on a real server. Had a lingering #if UNITY_EDITOR flag
Slightly increased height of deploy volume on vehicle lift and added world layer to mask so cars can't be lifted into rocks/terrain/etc
Added another inside socket check to the modular car lift to reduce overhang
Destroy any invalid vehicle on vehicle lift if lift is destroyed
For vehicles that were saved in dead state, destroy immediately on initial load
Various small physics and control changes for generally smoother driving, better control.
Added a vehicle push volume to high external gates (stone and wood) to try and push cars out of the way as they close
Strip the push volume on client
fixcars command improvements
Show modular car health (total) in the HUD
Some changes to make driving much smoother at the lower tick rate of a real server. Fixes suspension oscillation and too-easy rollover.
Modified TriggerVehiclePush to work better with modular vehicles (using the vehicle centre rather than module centre, push cars in an axis direction rather than just away)
Added TriggerVehiclePush volume to the garage door that gets activated while the door is closing, to hopefully push cars away from getting crushed/stuck in the door
Disable the invisible but very solid "Cubicles" on Playground
Reduce brake force multiplier from 750 to 300
Make brake lights dimmer than headlights
Show brake lights only when braking, not reversing
Merge brake light changes
Use LightsAreOn accessor instead of checking flag directly
Switch headlights/brakelights logic to a mask instead of a bool to reduce extra iterations
Seems like DrawPropertiesExcluding doesn't work correctly along with serializable classes. Remove ModularCarEditor for that reason.
Merge from Main -> Vehicles
Replace Reserved2 with FLAG_LIGHTS const
Rear lights now light up while braking even if headlights aren't on (are on all the time while headlights are on)
Add player.gotosleep command for testing
Adjust DAMAGE_TO_GIB again
Merge MakeVehiclesDestroyable -> Vehicles
Add support for TriggerHurtNotChild volumes on cars to damage AI
Added an AI damage multiplier to adjust the damage specifically for AI collisions
adding vehicle modules gibs
adding WIP modules gibs, enabling read/right on existing parts
Better interface for liquid storage UI on the vehicle lift
Vehicle lift module internal storage UI changes,. Make it clear that it's not for adding items to internal storage
Make sure water drop sound loop gets disabled when vehicles spawn in as perfectly stationary.
Tooltip comment change only
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Merge from Main -> Vehicles
Fixed engine audio issues when entering a network group with a running vehicle
Fixed engine sound not playing when player entered a network area with a running vehicle. This was caused by the engine state being set before the engine loaded in.
Include AntiVehicle damage type in the explosion forces cars receive. Some "explosive" weapons don't actually apply "Explosion" damage.
Reduce car fuel use in general, and adjusted performance calculations. Fuel use at low performance was too high
Have the fuel gauge drop to zero when engine is off. REALISM
Fix Check Engine light staying on after engine is turned off.
Default driver pose has a bug where it's off-centre to one side. Adjust driver mount points in the other direction by 70mm to to compensate.
Merge from Main -> Vehicles
Allow modular cars to spawn on road OR roadside topology
Reduced LOD culling screen relative height on cars from 0.01 to 0.006, so that cars don't get visually culled before players do. Players are at 0.003, but are much smaller than a car.
Boot out currently looting players from engine bay looting when the engine starts