2,811 Commits over 1,918 Days - 0.06cph!
probably fixed footsteps fucking up on build server.
Removed debug drawing. proxy footsteps work.
Fixed newconnection read error.
Maybe fixed the footsteps not working.
Fixed server compile error.
Fixed disconnect error and updated rust lib
Added some dirty dodgy menu and UI shit.
Fixed bullshit. Added chatui
Fixed lerp bugs and maybe hit detection.
Sorted out player getting stuck (maybe)
Changed VM iron sight offset.
Fixed not being able to reconnect after you disconnect. It's a bit of a bodge though!
Making menus a and UI a bit nicer and allowing to disconnect and reconnect without shutting the game down etc.
Trying to sort out lerp lag!
Merging for a test build.
About to switch to the Raknet code.
UI changes and added generator to level
Dont send reliable player tick like a cunt.
Started networking new player classes badly.
Added player test to scenes.
Merging entity refactor to main
Done a bit more of entity refactor.
Found possible problem with culling grid?
Changed player to use character controller instead of rigid body. Player networking is mostly in sync from early tests.
Sync is a bit smoother going home.
Positions should now sync.
Fixed error when playergui isn't loaded.
Fixed Steam not shutting down properly.
Fixed console not receiving input.
Changed output folder and exe name.
Updated so that add_id is copied on build
Updated to b21. Updated TOD it should now build!
Basic player shit should sync.
Added and tested serialization trigger and events. Dirty as fuck though.
Now sends shit to players proper. Also tidied menu hide logic etc.
Shit now spawns in properish.