243,191 Commits over 3,898 Days - 2.60cph!
Automated Linux DS Build #638
Automated Linux Build #638
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Automated Windows Build #637
Automated Linux DS Build #637
Automated Linux Build #637
Set gmod_mcore_test to 1 during startup in dev branch
Foliage wind anim support for mesh batching
Automated Windows Build #4
Automated Windows Build #636
Automated Linux DS Build #636
Automated Linux Build #636
fix for map drawing not loading properly
Automated Linux DS Build #3
Automated Windows Build #3
let's reset the building construction state data when adding an upgrade
Fix for construction state not being properly initialized when upgrading a building
Launch_site level design first pass / lines of sight & flow
launch site model
rocket crane model
added loads more collidables to test_arena_3
removed out of reach cones and cubes
added more collidables to test_arena_3
removed white test cubes