userAdam Wcancel

4,871 Commits over 2,068 Days - 0.10cph!

6 Years Ago
wip squad editor qol improvements
6 Years Ago
fixed a bunch of item material names CustomisationProfile++
6 Years Ago
customisation DB tool generates errors for items with duplicate material option names
6 Years Ago
Can right click rotate camera in customisation editor in addition to middle click
6 Years Ago
Platform stuff, rebuilt cust DB
6 Years Ago
wip click-through tiles. fixed burner not having a collider?? gameplay layer collision matrix changed to have no collisions with other layers.
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Added crowd confetti from supporting team when a unit gets a kill. Individual crowd members occasionaly jump during crowd idle.
6 Years Ago
anger time min/max randomisation
6 Years Ago
UIAvatarControl wip. Refactored some avatar play anim stuff. Renamed animators on AvatarView to be clear which is which. Avatar items now get set as children of the actual model transform, not the top level transform.
6 Years Ago
more hover/targetting fixes
6 Years Ago
hover/health bar fixes
6 Years Ago
av fix wip
6 Years Ago
AvatarRenderer stuff, wip menu avatar
6 Years Ago
Added escape to back out of a bunch of panels.
6 Years Ago
added mission count/badge to missions menu button
6 Years Ago
Shooter attack range increased 4->5, movement range increased 4->5
6 Years Ago
TileHighlighter.AnchorTile now takes a y offset, nudged tilefall warning highlights up slightly.
6 Years Ago
avatars now destroy their chat bubbles on disable/destroy.
6 Years Ago
fix for charger attack view losing mesh link after proxies
6 Years Ago
Set disabled state of end turn button to dark grey. Set end turn button interaction to disabled instead of hiding the button when using end turn is disabled.
6 Years Ago
Cusomtisation team colours. Team colour fixes. Server error message reworded.
6 Years Ago
Removed placeholder cake item, rebuilt db.
6 Years Ago
merge to main
6 Years Ago
more item type fixes
6 Years Ago
removed 2 old unused types from CustomisationTypes.All, reset all customisation item definition types. customisation++
6 Years Ago
some randomisation prep
6 Years Ago
item details panel now automatically appears for the currently equipped item when entering a new tab
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Reset avatars at init, misc customisation item fixes/cleanup. CustomisationProfile++
6 Years Ago
platform customisations now get applied
6 Years Ago
Renamed Biter files/config to Rammer
6 Years Ago
removed GhostCube from all units, increased highlighter DepthBias to 10.
6 Years Ago
Match intro now actually shows the real map name
6 Years Ago
added game option to toggle unit class icons showing with unit health bars, defaults to off.
6 Years Ago
correctly set unit selection filter during turn 5e of tutorial until you can select the mortar
6 Years Ago
built customisation DB for new items
6 Years Ago
added game icon
6 Years Ago
custom GameAnalytics events
6 Years Ago
added and setup GameAnalytics, removed FP Analytics.
6 Years Ago
reset the current state when launching a career match in career mode to fix event registration order.
6 Years Ago
fix for customisation editor unit colour
6 Years Ago
merge to main
6 Years Ago
merge from main
6 Years Ago
customisation material fix
6 Years Ago
put the jiggle back
6 Years Ago
fix infinite loop
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
started refactoring customisation UI
6 Years Ago
Ball launcher. Crappy temp rotation code.