4,871 Commits over 2,068 Days - 0.10cph!
rewrote a bunch of stuff so the AI can be used for any team. still more to do...
toggle camera rotation and game input with in-game menu visibility.
hide any previous 8ball outcome bubble as soon as you click for a new outcome
Added 8 ball trophy script, added anim event to 8 ball animation to trigger outcome, prefab updated.
split previous commit into IsClatterPacket and HandleRacknetPacket functions, actually.
Renamed RaknetPacket to ClatterPacket and inverted the outcomes to make more sense, handle un-handled raknet packets by ignoring them.
quick temp matchmaking/game creation bot test
wip ClientBot class, wrap client connection, bot list is now of type ClientBot not GameClientInternet
GameClient now tracks LocalTeam
match outcome toast events, listeners, blah blah
daily challenge toast events, UIGlobalPanel listener
added MMFRequestEventArgs.
added MMFReceived event.
UIGlobalPanel listents for local internet game client MMFReceived event and shows the panel.
Added MMF declined event, msghandler triggers it, UIGLobalPanel listens to local internet client.
Tile hover handler now fires event, moved tile highlight trigger to BaseInput event listener.
moved CommandQueue from GIViewer static to GameClient instances.
Client cmds now have a reference to the client executing it.
moved a few static variables out of GameClient base to member variables of GameClientInternet, updated msg handler refs.
clean up proxy class and refs
server will only broadcast player connected message to all clients when server population is less than a server define
dispose of auth token when we're done with it.
basic spreading of client bot updates across frames.
bot connect button now creates and connects 500 clients instead of 10
increased max server client connections from 1k to 5k
msg handler fix and connect with delay
Removed all static events, variables and methods from GameClientInternet and refactored all references so that we can use multiple instances of it going forward.
Added a temporary InternetClientProxy static class that redirects everything to a GameClientInternet instance, because everything expects a valid reference at startup.
added option to unparent instantiated effects, super rough wip trophy rotation (can be enabled per item, defaults to off)
Added InstantiateAnimEvent
Addded CustomisationitemView.Preview()
Added an editor preview action for CustomisationItemView.
Separated confetti cannon particle effects into a prefab.
Confetti cannon now creates the effect from an animation event.
Set confetti cannon cooldown and enabled delayed destroy on the effect.
board no longer gets serialized to/from protobuf and sent when creating games, gets loaded by the client from the map database instead. It was done this way originally incase we ever wanted to support resuming a game mid-game, but this is no longer a concern.
Reworked CustomisationItemView to used UnityEvent, hooked up the various game events to the item listeners.
item cooldown defaults to false.
Can now specify an optional cooldown duration for interactable customisation items (Defaults to on and 30 secs)
CustomisationItemView now sends the Clicked message when clicked.
try catch replay drag drop files
can now drag and drop external replay files onto the menu to view them
getting latest for other branch
removed cmdHistory stuff as it wasn't even used.
cherry picked map caching from server profiling branch