11,616 Commits over 3,622 Days - 0.13cph!
Renamed Biter files/config to Rammer
removed GhostCube from all units, increased highlighter DepthBias to 10.
Match intro now actually shows the real map name
added game option to toggle unit class icons showing with unit health bars, defaults to off.
correctly set unit selection filter during turn 5e of tutorial until you can select the mortar
built customisation DB for new items
custom GameAnalytics events
added and setup GameAnalytics, removed FP Analytics.
reset the current state when launching a career match in career mode to fix event registration order.
fix for customisation editor unit colour
customisation material fix
started refactoring customisation UI
Ball launcher.
Crappy temp rotation code.
crowd jump for longer during match intro
merged customisation refactor wip to main
Customisation fixes.
Got sidetracked and added arena confetti.
finished refactoring out ProtoBuf.AvatarCustomisation and uses.
updated tutorial avatar setup now uses new customisation group stuff.
finished removing ProtoBuf.UnitCustomisation and uses.
customisation group verification
removed unused function, getting latest
serialisation, swapped over protobuf profile to new one.
refactored more stuff out of CustomisationProfile.
pulled customisation protobuf stuff out of unit.prot and into new customisation.proto.
started refactoring customisation system.
removed unused customisation protobufs
customisation editor fixes
Fixed confetti trophy, effect pivot needs tweaking I think.
simplified item/mission validation
Server validates player records (customisation items/missions) on login, removing any deleted items/missions and ensuring they have the default item set.
Removed hardcoded item default values, now taked from the customisation DB, item definitions can be marked as default.
merged fix branch to main