11,641 Commits over 3,622 Days - 0.13cph!
NPCSpawner can override LOS sense check as part of stat modifiers
Merge AIInformationZones and AI data after dungeon is created
refactored owner position tracking to separate class
owner position sampling cleanup
merge from main and resulting proto conflict fix
navmesh to navmesh teleport fix test
Delete unused ApexAIStorage folder leftover from the Apex purge
excavator MonumentInfo bounds tweak
swamp_a, swamp_b, swamp_c MonumentInfo bounds fixes
monument navmesh tool won't override any existing navmesh bound overrides
monument navmesh tool bounds setting
don't teleport longer distances any more
deleting animation code from animal animation that we don't need/want for pet dog animation so we have a starting point.
merge from ai_ignore_improvements
Catch some issues with non grounded destinations
fixes for random Unity weirdness.
separate stopping distance for owner.
more tests.
distance based update rate
set query filter when switching.
only switch navmeshes if the distance saved is worth it
experiment applying agent type changes across navmesh types
Updated oilrig heavy scientist design to include previous improvements made to other scientist designs.
Disable now unneeded "tame" menu-wheel option
Populate skinned mesh renderers, tamed/untamed mesh lists.
Switch to using correct tamed/untamed meshses with ownership status.
Retarget all harness LODs
Fix visual harness glitch caused by accidentally reloading it constantly