117,471 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.23cph!
Fixed effects breaking if destroyed first entity spawned
Hit effects now use material type hit
Melee attacks use bullet impact effects (temporary)
Fixed effects sometimes being parented to something random
Pool all Physics material names on server startup
Reorganized some texture locations
Fixed impact FX orientation
Updated the menu scene a bit
Fixed Bill killing himself
Fixed NRE in UpdateNetworkGroup
Added SceneToPrefab system (see readme for details)
Moved all of the new world prefabs to the world layer
Added collider.GetMaterialAt( pos )
Stop the boar model importing its materials
Fixed particle effects possibly being recycled too soon
Update entity's network group immediately if parent changed
Player ragdolls are now made of flesh
Added ImpactParticles dev scene (for Petur)
Moved Petur's impact particles to Resources/Prefabs/fx/impacts/
Updated rock prefabs (still needs work)
Added min/max rotation and offset to decor spawn system
Added SeedRandom.Value (returns 0-1)
Moved test rock group to its own folder, it'll need more advanced handling
Getting the test branch up to date.
4x bullet impact effects on 3 material types. Previews added to TestLevel.
Forest ground texture no longer gives me eye cancer.
Boar animations ( eat grass / walking )
changed all of the bear animations to "Generic" instead of "Legacy", so the new bear entity will use mecanim state machine; Added LOD versions of bear
Added prefabs for all the forests
Added rock_group_01 prefab
Updated rock meshes with new pivots and fixed rotations out of max. Updated prefabs with zored transforms. Added rock_12 prefab
Fixed that poor tree having no textures
Improved billboard lighting
Refactoring playerstate/tick
Added spectate mode (for debugging)
Increased protocol
Fixed broken hold type on first spawn
Fixed rock 3rd person animations not playing
Fixed decor normal alignment and added position offset if specified in the prefab
UI layout changes, minor camera tweaks.
Removed old rock prefabs, moved new rock prefabs to their correct locations
Fixed trees being invisible (requires server restart)
Added correct prefab name to mushroom prefabs
Removed old tree prefabs (base assets are still in backup folder if you need them)
Added construction layer to wolf obstacle mask
Tweaked sky day-night progression curve
Moved LINQ extensions to LinqEx
Moved some transform extensions from TransformUtil to TransformEx
Moved some vector extensions from TransformUtil to VectorEx
Added terrain forest enum
Time of Day update to 2.1.0 prerelease 5
Added base patterns to use with clothing shader. Added WIP snow jacket model and textures.
checking in the boar model.
Tiny ambient light and aurora tweaks.
Small tree 4-1 texture fix.
Lots of rocks. Mushrooms. Some bullet impact effects (not assigned yet). Auroras temporarily everywhere, because why not.
Moved some utility components to their correct folder
Added TerrainBiome info, enum and struct
Added MaxIndex extension method
Added or updated approximately 3 million meta files
I think we don't want the art scene folder on main