117,181 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.22cph!
Implemented Jog animations
added new bow view model anims, meta clips & initial controller
associated with the old bow view model. Causing issues.
- Added new LUT textures for color grading
Changed particle stuff to `effects` - now spawns audio too
Added placeholder sounds to generic hit, blood hit, rock swing
Fixed string pooling being insanely broken
Fixed Effects that are attached to bones being broken
-half of the revolver animations
Fixed player model state not being networked
Network grid was stupid on TestLevel
Viewmodel is hidden in 3rd person mode
Worldmodel is hidden in 1st person mode
Attack anim in 3rd person
ModelState is now networked
Attack anims are networked
Switched more classes to the new proto system
Player Model - hold type, and world model
Added GameManager.CreatePrefabInactive
Made the sky dome use our own prefab the way the water does
I don't like modifying prefabs in the third party folder
Put resources on world layer, improves FPS in-editor and shouldn't change anything in-game
Fixed or at the very least reduced some water reflection glitches
Log the correct terrain seed (rather than 0) in edit mode
Fixed server NRE when looting
Merge procgen branch to main branch to test the new procedural terrain generation
Protocol increment on the procgen branch
Tightened the hill noise amplitude interval to reduce the risk of boring monotone worlds
Crafting cancelling
Fixed crafting notification placement
Fixed AA toggle not working
Daily merge from main branch
Updated TestLevel with terrain
Fixed sky not being set on sun shafts
Attached fog volume to camera (to render fog)
Chanegd FogVolume so we can access/change fog colour via script
Got rid of horizon white line (will probably present a bunch of other problems)
- Setting the Sky property in TOD_Sun Shafts again
- Removed demo scene assets from SE bloom plugin
Should fix players over-thinking while they're asleep
Fixed splitting/stacking not working properly clientside
Improved rock & dirt splat calculation
Merged my previous commits to the procgen branch
Tweaked the terrain generator initialization to properly benchmark in-editor
Converted some of the newly imported assets from binary to text asset storage format
Not sure why this didn't happen when you guys imported those in the first place since our Unity project is set to enforce text format
Further reduced probability of pure flatland maps by increasing the minimum hill noise frequency
Daily merge from main branch
Added item stacking, splitting, merging
GameSetup can define whether you want to load a save or not
-rest of the jogging animations
Increased mountain noise amplitude to reduce probability of flatland worlds
Daily merge from main branch
Arctic biome test scene base.
-tweaked the eoka animations a bit; added some new player jogging animations; (still TODO: jog left/right)
Removed unused effects, moved GUIblur to bottom
Changed linux build options (test)
Adding missing files for Sonic Ether bloom and Colorful
Just added a check on the fog volume toggle
Added water fog volume in test scene, enabled via WaterEffects.cs