userDamian Lazarskicancel

2,165 Commits over 3,044 Days - 0.03cph!

7 Years Ago
Frozen shipping container prefabs
7 Years Ago
A bunch of iceberg mesh fixes Fixed stretched uvs Stopped large icebergs from culling
7 Years Ago
Iceberg material tweaks / heighmap tweak
7 Years Ago
Added terrain filters to icebergs/icesheets to prevent them from spawning on the beaches Some more scene tweaks
7 Years Ago
Scaled down icesheets to a more realistic size Cleaned up icesheet scenes Made icesheet paths easier to navigate
7 Years Ago
Reverted to previous icesheet density but with more accurate coliders and fixed uvs
7 Years Ago
Fixed icesheet UVs Icesheet material tweaks
7 Years Ago
Made icesheets more dense to allow for smoother traversal Made icesheet colliders more accurate
7 Years Ago
Scene to prefab
7 Years Ago
Made icesheet debris smaller Made iceberg coliders more accurate
7 Years Ago
Iceberg/icesheet increased lod distances
7 Years Ago
Iceberg/icesheet scene2prefab
7 Years Ago
Deleted old iceberg mats
7 Years Ago
Icesheet/Iceberg renderlod distances
7 Years Ago
iceberg_1 col mesh
7 Years Ago
Iceberg 1 LOD/COL / Prefab layer settings
7 Years Ago
Iceberg 2 LOD/COL
7 Years Ago
Merge from main
7 Years Ago
Iceberg/icesheet LOD, COL and prefabs Icesheet scene setup / added smaller icesheet variants / added more abandoned boats
7 Years Ago
Iceberg LOD and COL
7 Years Ago
Icesheet prefab backup
7 Years Ago
Fixed LS roof colider again
7 Years Ago
Updated iceberg prefab/scene Added snowy versions of boat materials
7 Years Ago
LS floating walkway fix
7 Years Ago
Skeleton arms LOD and COL
7 Years Ago
Added ice sheet debris decals
7 Years Ago
Merged skeleton arms
7 Years Ago
Removed ladder leading to LS roof and replaced it with a makeshift walkway
7 Years Ago
Added cover to the rocket factory ladder allowing safer access to the roof
7 Years Ago
Finished icesheet meshes and textures
7 Years Ago
Spooky skeleton arms
7 Years Ago
Iceberg UV mapping progress
7 Years Ago
Reduced the resolution of various prop and tiling textures to reduce texture memory consumption Packed a bunch of prop materials
7 Years Ago
Iceberg texture and UV progress
7 Years Ago
Fixed launchsite exploit allowing people shooting from within the walls
7 Years Ago
Merge from main
7 Years Ago
Iceberg progress backup
7 Years Ago
Iceberg textures
7 Years Ago
Iceberg progress backup
7 Years Ago
Ice lake topology map fixes / fixed positions on clutter floating above the ground
7 Years Ago
Made snow specular more noisy
7 Years Ago
Ice lakes / further clutter spawning fixes
7 Years Ago
Ice lakes / extended decor and clutter maps to prevent bushes spawning too close
7 Years Ago
Ice lake scene tweaks Water culling volumes Spawning fixes
7 Years Ago
Ice lake prefab tweaks
7 Years Ago
Added 3 additional ice lake variants
7 Years Ago
Supermarket texture fixes
7 Years Ago
Fixed black shading spots on grass Changed grass size to be more realistic Material tweaks
7 Years Ago
Overgrowth reduced alpha cutoff
7 Years Ago
Merge from main