2,165 Commits over 3,044 Days - 0.03cph!
Made supermarket shelves slimmer
Supermarket counters and cash register
Made supermarket greybox bigger.
Basic scene setup and dressing
New snow terrain tiling and material settings
Improved LOD distances in rocket factory interiors.
Desk, computer cabinet, desk texture tweaks
Fixed warehouse exit in LS
Fixed lift shaft collider
Added blockers to the rocket factory to prevent getting stuck
Fixed lift shafts in the rocket factory / reenabled lifts / created additional exits for warehouses / fixed computer cabinet rotations
Computer cabinets / final textures / lod/col/prefabs
Computer cabinets / desk tweaks
Cubicle walls LOD/COL/prefabs
Office Desk / AC units scale fix
AC Units / Final textures/ COL/LODs/Prefabs
Fixed ground holes in the rocket factory
Fix for the rocket factory ground mesh disappearing
Fixed LOD distances on rocket factory objects
Disabled shadow casting on structures LODs
Scene2Prefab shadow caster changes
Disabled shadow casting for certain LOD stages on props and overgrowth
Rocket factory lod materials
Merged rocket factory interior objects for optimisation
Fixed an interior disappearing on the lowest settings inside the rocket factory
Tweaked LOD distances to prevent pop in
Added LOD materials to rocket factory prefabs
Rocket factory optimizations
Cheaper occluder
Less materials on LODs
Added cheaper LOD stages to some objects
Reduced number of materials on LODs
Cheaper materials on LODs
Set walkway mat to two sided
Increased culling distance for walkways / prevent them from disappearing in plain view
Additional LOD's for ceiling supports
Tweaked culling/LOD distances
Fixed rocket scaffolding loading issues